Shocking Twist: Starfield Surpasses Fallout 76 with Unexpected Rating on Steam!

Shocking Twist: Starfield Surpasses Fallout 76 with Unexpected Rating on Steam!

Starfield, Bethesda's highly anticipated game, initially celebrated a triumphant release Yet, surprising reviews on Steam reveal a lower rating compared to any other Bethesda title, including the infamous Fallout 76


Starfield, while a success for Bethesda, is currently the lowest-rated game from the studio on Steam.

Following its launch, the game received an abundance of negative reviews, resulting in varied opinions regarding its overall quality. However, the general sentiment on social media was mostly favorable. Despite its lower rating, Starfield continues to be one of Steam's most popular titles, with the potential for enhancements and expansions in the future.

Despite its success for Bethesda, Starfield is currently the lowest-rated game in the company's history on Steam. While there are enjoyable aspects such as the ship builder and gunplay, it did not meet every player's expectations upon its release in September. Fans who anticipated a more immersive exploration experience similar to No Man's Sky or Star Citizen were left disappointed by the limited aspects in Starfield, whether it was space travel or exploring the randomly-generated planets.

Unfortunately, the trend of review-bombing in modern gaming also affected Starfield, which further clouded the perception of its reception within the gaming community. Some content creators became addicted to its gameplay, which is typical of a Bethesda sandbox game, while others regarded it as outdated or plagued with bugs. Overall, social media mostly portrayed a positive perception of Starfield, but not without important criticisms voiced against the game.

Starfield has surpassed Fallout 76 as Bethesda's lowest-rated game on Steam, with a review rating of 71.37% compared to Fallout 76's 71.76%. While this may be concerning for Bethesda Game Studios, it's important to note that Fallout 76 had a significantly worse launch than Starfield. It took the development team years to improve Fallout 76 and gain the trust of the community.

Unlike Fallout 76, Starfield has a stronger foundation and potential for growth. As a single-player game, many of its flaws can be addressed through modding once official modding tools are released in early 2024. Despite its lower review rating on Steam, Starfield remains extremely popular and garners a substantial player base, with over a hundred thousand players daily.

Currently, The Elder Scrolls franchise reigns supreme as the highest-rated Bethesda games on Steam, with Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim boasting an exceptional 93% review rating, garnering overwhelming praise. However, it should be noted that even though the exploration of the Settled Systems in Starfield may not have lived up to fans' lofty expectations, the statistics suggest that the game is still highly enjoyable. With the promise of improved Starfield mods and exciting official content packs like the upcoming Shattered Space expansion, players can anticipate a positive trajectory for Bethesda's latest title in the days to come.

Starfield is now available for PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms.