Shocking Twist: Kathleen Kennedy's Departure from Star Wars Imminent!

Shocking Twist: Kathleen Kennedy's Departure from Star Wars Imminent!

Rumor has it that Kathleen Kennedy's departure from Lucasfilm may happen sooner than anticipated Star Wars fans are left wondering who would step in as the next president of the company Stay tuned for more updates on this intriguing development


Rumors continue to circulate about Kathleen Kennedy's departure from Lucasfilm due to recent changes and cancellations in Star Wars projects.

Kennedy has been blamed for the franchise's criticism, leading fans to speculate about her potential departure as president. The rumored change in leadership at Lucasfilm is thought to be motivated by the desire to distance the new head from the perceived mess caused by Kennedy.

Rumors are circulating about Kathleen Kennedy potentially leaving Lucasfilm, as two additional Star Wars projects are reportedly being canceled.

Criticism from Star Wars fans towards their beloved franchise has been prevalent, particularly since Disney assumed control. Lucasfilm president Kennedy has received a significant portion of this blame. Following the mixed reception of the sequel trilogy, there were speculations that her days in the role were limited and she would eventually step down. While her departure has not occurred thus far, rumors regarding her exit from Lucasfilm are once again gaining traction.

MyTimeToShineHello posted that Taika Waititi's Star Wars movie is dead despite official statements. CanWeGetSomeToast replied, stating that it's not because of Waititi's decline, but rather because the new head of Lucasfilm, after Kathleen Kennedy, wants to distance themselves from the mess she created. Disney is aware of this. Toast also mentioned that Patty Jenkins' #RogueSquadron is also canceled. It was already reported that Rogue Squadron and an untitled Star Wars project by Kevin Feige had been shelved.

What's interesting is that Toast believes Waititi's Star Wars project is canceled due to potential leadership change at Lucasfilm, not because of Waititi's recent career slump. Kennedy's contract ends in late 2024, and according to another source, WDW Pro, there is a belief that she will not seek an extension. WDW Pro also speculates that Kennedy may still have creative input in projects immediately after leaving Lucasfilm.

Regardless of fan opinions on the Star Wars projects released under Kennedy's leadership, Lucasfilm has consistently struggled to complete and deliver on their announced projects. Even when a project does eventually come to fruition, it is often subjected to significant changes, with new directors or writers brought in. Some projects, such as Kenobi and Lando, have even transitioned from being planned as movies to becoming television series, or vice versa. As a result, it has been reported that Disney has requested Lucasfilm to refrain from announcing Star Wars projects so early in the development process.

The identity of the future president of Lucasfilm remains unknown, but speculation amongst fans suggests that Dave Filoni or Jon Favreau could be potential candidates. Alternately, following the approach of DC Studios, Lucasfilm may opt to have two co-presidents overseeing the new era of the Star Wars franchise.

Source: CanWeGetSomeToast, MyTimeToShineHello, WDW Pro