Shocking Gaza Hospital Tragedy: Devastating Loss of Lives Estimated to Reach Unprecedented Numbers

Shocking Gaza Hospital Tragedy: Devastating Loss of Lives Estimated to Reach Unprecedented Numbers

Preliminary US intel suggests 100-300 casualties in Gaza hospital blast, with minor structural damage Updated assessment exonerates Israel from responsibility

According to an unclassified intelligence assessment obtained by CNN, the US intelligence community estimates that the blast at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza resulted in the deaths of approximately 100 to 300 people. The assessment further states that the hospital only sustained minor structural damage. This updated assessment, sent to Capitol Hill by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides additional information to support the initial finding that Israel was not responsible for the strike on the hospital.

Israel is unlikely to have bombed a hospital in the Gaza Strip, as concluded by an assessment based on various sources, including intelligence, missile activity, and publicly available videos and images. The assessment from the US intelligence community also suggests that the number of casualties from the incident at Al Ahli Hospital is estimated to be on the lower end of the 100-to-300 range, contradicting the higher figure initially provided by Palestinian officials.

According to the assessment, it has been determined that certain Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip believe that the explosion was probably caused by a stray launch of a rocket or missile by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. These militants are currently conducting an investigation to confirm this claim.

The assessment from the ODNI states that efforts are ongoing to verify if the explosion was indeed caused by a failed rocket launched by PIJ.

According to the assessment, the intelligence community reported that there was only minor structural damage at the hospital. There was no noticeable harm to the primary hospital building and no evidence of impact craters.

"The assessment reveals that there is only slight harm to the rooftops of two structures adjacent to the main hospital building, yet both structures remained undamaged," states the assessment.

"We are currently evaluating the anticipated number of casualties, acknowledging that our evaluation may change. Nevertheless, this death toll signifies an astounding and devastating loss of life," states the assessment. "The United States places great importance on the loss of civilian lives, and is making dedicated efforts to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza."

The National Security Council has announced that the Biden administration intends to disclose as much intelligence as possible regarding the strike, in response to accusations that Israel was responsible for the explosion.

Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer stated on Thursday that we will be sharing the information with our friends and partners in the region to the extent that we can publicly disclose it.