Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

Discover the shocking demise of 6 key characters in the thrilling season 2 finale of Wheel of Time Experience the heart-wrenching losses of Ingtar Shinowa, High Lord Turak, Geofram Bornhald, Renna, Ishamael, and Hopper Find out if their deaths align with the books

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Wheel of Time season 2 finale.


The Wheel of Time

season 2 finale sees the deaths of six major characters, and some of these deaths deviate from the source material.

In the show, Ingtar's demise aligns with the books, yet it lacks the revelation of his affiliation with the dark side, which alters the trajectory of his character development.

Contrary to the grand duel depicted in the books, High Lord Turak's death in the show is unsatisfying and fails to meet the expectations of fans anticipating an intense confrontation.

The season 2 finale of The Wheel of Time marks the deaths of six major characters, raising questions about how these deaths align with the books. The Wheel of Time is a beloved fantasy series by Robert Jordan, consisting of 14 volumes. While it's impossible to adapt the entire series scene-for-scene, Prime Video's creative choices in the adaptation have faced criticism from dedicated fans of The Wheel of Time.

The conclusion of The Wheel of Time season 2 brings the show to a point similar to the end of The Great Hunt, the second book in the series. However, not everything occurs exactly as it does in the source material. Rand is proclaimed the Dragon Reborn in Falme, although the circumstances differ from the book. Furthermore, there are significant variations in the deaths of several key characters during the conflict. Some deaths stay true to the original text, while others take divergent paths from The Wheel of Time book series.

6 Ingtar Shinowa

Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

In The Wheel of Time season 2 finale, Ingtar's death closely mirrors the books, despite the expected twist of him being a darkfriend not materializing. In a valiant act, Ingtar sacrifices himself by plunging into a crowd of Seanchan soldiers, allowing his companions to escape with the Horn of Valere. He fights fiercely, taking down numerous Seanchan fighters before being struck from behind. It is evident that Ingtar is aware of the inevitable outcome of battling such overwhelming odds. The main contrast between the show and the books lies in the fact that, prior to confronting the Seanchan forces towards the end of The Great Hunt, Ingtar admits to Rand that he has aligned himself with the Dark One. Nevertheless, he strives for redemption by sacrificing his life to buy time for the others. Although this alters the trajectory of his story, the ultimate manner of his demise remains largely unchanged.

5 High Lord Turak

Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

High Lord Turak's demise in the Season 2 finale of The Wheel of Time bears some resemblance to the events depicted in the books. However, in comparison to the source material, the execution falls short in terms of its climactic impact. High Lord Turak, who serves as the leader of the Seanchan antagonists in Season 2, meets his end when Rand employs the One Power to brutally eliminate Turak and his soldiers. Within seconds, Rand employs the Power to simultaneously slit all of their throats, resulting in their swift obliteration. While Rand's demonstration of power is undoubtedly impressive, it pales in comparison to its literary counterpart.

In The Great Hunt, an awe-inspiring spectacle unfolds as Rand engages in a dramatic duel with High Lord Turak, armed with his heron-marked blade. Despite Turak's status as a blademaster, Rand ultimately achieves victory after a protracted and intense combat, thereby attaining the esteemed rank of blademaster himself. In both versions of the narrative, it is Rand who brings about Turak's demise, and this event takes place in Falme. However, the manner of Turak's death diverges substantially. It seems that The Wheel of Time may have chosen to forego the setup required for this decisive confrontation, which, in turn, renders the omission of the clash between Rand and Turak somewhat unsatisfying, much like the absence of Rand's duel with Ishamael.

4 Geofram Bornhald

Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

Geofram Bornhald, a Lord Captain of The Wheel of Time's Children of the Light, meets his demise in both the books and the show at Falme. In the season 2 finale, Perrin, consumed by anger after Bornhald slays his wolf companion, Hopper, takes the life of Bornhald. This act is witnessed by Bornhald's son, Dain, who now harbors a deep grudge against Perrin. However, in the books, Bornhald's death occurs during a battle with the Seanchan in The Great Hunt, where Perrin does not play a role. Despite this difference, the show's alteration of the circumstances surrounding Geofram's death establishes a compelling foundation for the future rivalry between Dain and Perrin.

3 Renna

Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

2 Ishamael

Renna, the sul'dam responsible for holding Egwene captive in The Wheel of Time series, meets her demise at the hands of Egwene during the intense battle in Falme. Egwene cleverly utilizes an a'dam to collar Renna, which ultimately unveils that sul'dam are also capable of wielding the One Power. By suspending her from a wall, Egwene condemns Renna to a suffocating death. This act not only results in Renna's demise but also liberates Egwene from the confines of the a'dam, enabling her to confront Ishamael single-handedly while Elayne tends to Rand's recovery. Although Renna does reappear in later books, she is only depicted as a minor character and thus it is fitting for Egwene to deliver the final blow.

Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

In The Wheel of Time season 2, Ishamael finally gets the release he has always desired as Rand delivers a fatal blow to his chest with a sword. Despite Ishamael's previous attempt to end Rand's life, Elayne's timely arrival and healing of Rand's wound from the ruby-hilted dagger allow him to channel the Power into his sword, which he then thrusts into Ishamael's chest, causing the blade to melt. While this event bears similarities to the Wheel of Time books, there are noteworthy deviations.

In The Great Hunt, Rand and Ishamael engage in a dramatic duel, wielding a sword and a quarterstaff respectively, their intense battle unfolding high above Falme for all to witness. Surprisingly, Rand outmaneuvers Ishamael by cleverly allowing the quarterstaff to pierce his side, enabling him to swiftly retaliate with his own lethal swing of the sword. However, it is important to note that Rand's victory does not lead to Ishamael's demise in this particular encounter. Although Rand does succeed in vanquishing Ishamael in the subsequent book at the Stone of Tear, the Dark One, unwilling to let his esteemed general perish permanently, resurrects him as Moridin.

1 Hopper

Shocking Character Deaths in Wheel of Time Season 2 Finale - Unveiling the Truth Behind Their Fate in the Books

In the Wheel of Time season 2 finale, Geofram Bornhald kills Hopper, Perrin's loyal wolf companion, while Hopper is defending Perrin from Eamon Valda's attack. Although Hopper's death occurs differently in the book series, and earlier in the storyline, it remains a pivotal event for Perrin. Upon his demise, Hopper becomes Perrin's guide in the realm of Tel'aran'rhiod. It is likely that Hopper will assume this role in the television adaptation as well, although there is a possibility that Elyas may take on the task of instructing Perrin instead.