Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

Prepare for mind-blowing twists as Secret Invasion unravels! Unveiling shocking secrets, this episode will leave you on the edge of your seat

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Secret Invasion episode 2. Following its predecessor's lead, Secret Invasion episode 2 delivers shocking reveals about the Skrulls, the show's story, and Nick Fury himself. Marvel Studios fearlessly makes bold choices in the series' narrative and character development. The opening scene unveils Martin Freeman's Everett Ross as a Skrull, casting doubt on both Nick Fury and the audience's trust in Marvel Studios' newest Disney+ show.

These revelations continue as Secret Invasion episode 2 concludes, offering more significant reveals. The episode delves deeper into the intricate story and characters, paving the way for a multitude of twists and turns in the remaining four episodes. Here, we explore each reveal and its potential consequences in Secret Invasion episode 2.

8 The Skrulls Didn’t Find A Planet After Captain Marvel

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

7 Nick Fury Was Responsible For Skrulls Hiding On Earth

In episode 2 of Secret Invasion, the opening scene cleverly incorporated nods to Captain Marvel within the MCU. This ranged from actual clips from the show to providing an update on the Skrulls' situation following the events of the film. While episode 1 left us questioning why Gravik is invading Earth despite Carol Danvers' promise to help the Skrulls find their own planet, episode 2 unveiled a shocking truth - Captain Marvel and Nick Fury's plan had failed. Flashback scenes set in the 1990s offered a glimpse into the Skrulls' plight, revealing that no matter where they settled, they faced persecution. This heartbreaking revelation explains why, even during the events of Secret Invasion, the Skrulls are still without a place they can truly call home.

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

In the opening sequences of Secret Invasion episode 2, a significant revelation emerges - Fury is the one accountable for the initial concealment of Skrulls on Earth. When his and Carol's initial attempt to find a new home for the Skrulls failed, Fury devised a mutually advantageous agreement with the extraterrestrial beings. This agreement entailed covertly harboring the Skrulls on Earth as undercover agents for both the U.S. Government and Fury himself. Meanwhile, the Skrulls would continue their operations, while Carol and Fury embarked on a quest to discover a suitable planet for them within the galaxy.

This provides ample context to understand the striking success of Fury's espionage endeavors throughout the years. The revelation of his covert alliance with numerous Skrulls stationed across the globe, acting as informants, elucidates why he has emerged as the most exceptional spy on Earth. Moreover, it lends further weight to the hypothesis that several of Fury's appearances in the MCU have been enacted by Skrulls, considering his long-standing collaboration with them predates the events depicted in Iron Man.

6 There Are Up To 1 Million Skrulls Hidden On Earth During Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

The first episode of Secret Invasion made it clear that Nick Fury was unaware of the exact number of hidden Skrulls on Earth. However, the second episode shockingly revealed that there might be around one million Skrulls concealed on our planet. Talos mentioned that he reached out to survivors of Skrullos' destruction, and all of them, except those belonging to Emperor Dogge's colony, responded and migrated to Earth. Therefore, the number of Skrulls hiding here ranges from hundreds of thousands to a staggering one million.

5 The Skrulls Have Infiltrated Human Positions Of Power In Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

In Secret Invasion episode 2, a major revelation connects to the Marvel Comics storyline of the same name. It is unveiled that on Earth, Gravik's Skrull council is composed of Skrulls who have successfully infiltrated influential positions in human society. This includes a news anchor on an American news station with the ability to disseminate information to the masses, the NATO Secretary General, and even the U.K. Prime Minister. The Skrulls have effectively infiltrated positions of power globally.

These revelations are expected to have significant consequences for the future of Secret Invasion. Gravik can now continue to attribute his terrorist attacks to anyone he chooses. The council's immense influence over public opinion and political power, as demonstrated by falsely blaming the United States for the Moscow bombing, further strengthens this connection to the Secret Invasion comics. In the comics, the Skrulls not only impersonated politicians but also superheroes.

4 Nick Fury Was Fired As A United States Agent

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

3 The Skrulls Have Obtained DNA From Powerful MCU Species

In relation to the specific character of Nick Fury, episode 2 of Secret Invasion presented several astonishing revelations. Apart from the revelation that he was originally responsible for concealing the existence of Skrulls on Earth, the second revelation was that he had been dismissed from his position as a U.S. Government agent. In a conversation with James Rhodes, Fury was terminated by the Colonel. Considering the close bond shared between Rhodes and Fury in previous MCU projects, many speculate that the Rhodey in Secret Invasion is actually a Skrull. The manner in which Fury was fired by the U.S. President with Rhodey requesting to personally carry out the task further strengthens this theory.

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

In Secret Invasion episode 2, a shocking reveal hinted at the ultimate goal of the entire series. It was revealed that the Skrulls have been collecting samples from various powerful species in the MCU. G'iah, during her investigation, discovered that the Skrulls possess DNA samples from beings such as Cull Obsidian from Avengers: Infinity War, a Frost Beast from Thor: The Dark World, Extremis soldiers from Iron Man 3, and even Groot from his time on Earth in both Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.

2 Gravik Intends To Upgrade The Skrulls’ Power For His Invasion

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

In Secret Invasion episode 2, it is revealed that Gravik plans to use DNA samples to enhance the Skrulls. Gravik has recruited Rosa Dalton, a scientist who is acquiring these samples while searching for something known as the Harvest. Although the purpose of the Harvest is unclear, it is apparent that Gravik is constructing a machine that uses DNA samples to strengthen the Skrulls. This likely means that the Harvest bestows immense power upon the Skrulls, making their invasion of Earth much simpler.

The introduction of this machine in Secret Invasion suggests that it will result in the emergence of the Super Skrulls in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the comics, Super Skrulls were individuals with superhuman abilities obtained from studying different superpowered hosts. It can be assumed that Rosa Dalton's study of DNA samples from the aforementioned powerful species will facilitate the creation of Super Skrulls to assist Gravik in his invasion.

1 Secret Invasion Revealed Nick Fury Is Married

Secret Invasion Episode 2 Recap: Mind-Blowing Twists That Will Leave You Speechless!

In Secret Invasion episode 2, an astonishing revelation came to light - Nick Fury is married. Towards the end of the episode, Fury visits a suburban house where a Skrull resides. Eventually, the Skrull assumes a human form and informs Fury that he is missing something. In response, Fury reaches for a ring and places it on his left ring finger, embracing the woman who turns out to be his wife. This revelation about Nick Fury completely reshapes our understanding of his journey in the MCU and specifically in Secret Invasion.

Interestingly, the Skrull he is married to is the same one from the flashbacks in 1997, which implies that Fury might have been married in every one of his MCU appearances except Captain Marvel. This sheds light on why Fury is so intensely devoted to aiding the Skrulls since he has a personal connection to a Skrull woman. While we are uncertain of the extent of Fury's wife's involvement in the series, the reveal in Secret Invasion episode 2 is bound to have a significant impact on the remaining four episodes.

New episodes of Secret Invasion release every Wednesday on Disney+.