Seasonal Themes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 May Disrupt the Game's Atmosphere

Seasonal Themes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 May Disrupt the Game's Atmosphere

Get ready for a mind-blowing experience in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3! Rumors suggest that the game's post-launch seasons will draw inspiration from other games in the series Brace yourself for an epic twist that will redefine what it means to be modern


There is a possibility that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 might merge various timelines into a single game, with a specific emphasis on past Call of Duty titles during its post-launch seasons. This approach, however, runs the risk of creating a messy and inconsistent gaming experience.

The inclusion of weaponry and skins from different eras in the seasonal approach runs the risk of the game losing its identity as Modern Warfare. Additionally, there is a concern that the repeated focus on old games in succeeding seasons could become monotonous. Some worry that the game may heavily rely on nostalgia, which could lead to a disservice to the Modern Warfare brand by blending futuristic, modern, and historical elements.

Call of Duty has an illustrious history, spanning 20 years and covering a wide range of settings. From World War 2 to modern battlefields, from covert operations during the Cold War to glimpses of possible futures, the franchise has explored various timelines. The idea of combining all these different eras into one game seems impossible, but recent leaks suggest that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 might attempt to do so. However, this ambitious approach runs the risk of creating a bizarre gaming experience.

Reportedly, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 plans to take a unique approach for its post-launch seasons. Instead of continuing with the modern theme that the game is based on, each season is rumored to focus on a past Call of Duty game. While this concept has the potential to celebrate the franchise's 20th anniversary and attract fans of older Call of Duty games, there is a concern that it may result in Modern Warfare 3 becoming a chaotic mishmash. Considering that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is said to be the first game featured in this tribute format, it is possible that the latest installment may quickly lose its true essence.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 May Not Feel Modern For Long

Seasonal Themes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 May Disrupt the Game's Atmosphere

The inclusion of seasonal content that feels disconnected from the core game could potentially be a mistake for Modern Warfare 3, considering its already unique nature. Despite being labeled as Modern Warfare 3, the game's multiplayer solely consists of map remakes from the original MW2. With the introduction of Zombies into the Modern Warfare series for the first time and the involvement of all three major CoD developers, there is a possibility that the game will deviate from the other titles in the rebooted Modern Warfare series, and may not capture a truly "modern" feel.

The extent of the issue with this seasonal approach depends on the specific content that is included. While certain additions like the Honey Badger from Call of Duty: Ghosts could work well, many of Advanced Warfare's futuristic laser guns and gadgets would not be suitable for a modern FPS. Only a limited number of weapons, such as the BAL-27, would fit within the grounded aesthetic. The same can be said for skins, although considering Call of Duty's recent embrace of random crossovers ranging from Spawn to Nicki Minaj, it may not be concerned with introducing WW2 soldiers or exosuit-users into a modern setting. Nevertheless, if an excessive amount of weapons and skins from different eras are added, Modern Warfare 3 may start to lose its focus.

The seasonal approach to Call of Duty games raises concerns about its sustainability and potential for repetition. The upcoming Black Ops title in 2025, rumored to include remakes of Black Ops 2 maps, might be tempted to adopt the same approach. However, this would be a mistake as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 can effectively honor all deserving classic CoD games with its current content. Although it is too early to make a final judgment on these themed seasons, there is some concern about how they will be executed. Recent Call of Duty releases, such as Vanguard, have included questionable post-launch content, featuring characters like Godzilla and King Kong from unrelated franchises. There is a worry that a project led by Sledgehammer could take this concept too far once again. While some players enjoy nostalgia, others may be disappointed if the rumored seasonal content turns out to be true. Instead of staying true to the Modern Warfare brand and offering modern content, the game might end up with a mishmash of futuristic, modern, and historical skins on remade maps, resembling more of a Call of Duty Mobile experience. Ultimately, this would do a disservice to the concept of the Modern Warfare brand.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launches on November 10 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.