SDCC 2023: Exclusive Insights from Strange Planet Author Nathan Pyle on Collaborating with Dan Harmon

SDCC 2023: Exclusive Insights from Strange Planet Author Nathan Pyle on Collaborating with Dan Harmon

Nathan Pyle shares his insights on the captivating world of Strange Planet at SDCC 2023, discussing the exciting process of adapting his work alongside the brilliant Dan Harmon Don't miss this fascinating conversation!


Strange Planet, a webcomic turned animated series, explores the quirks of human traditions and behaviors through the eyes of strange blue beings.

Nathan Pyle, the creator of the webcomic, talks about the process of transforming the comic into an animated series and collaborating with co-creator Dan Harmon and skilled voice actors.

The animated show preserves the unique qualities of the webcomic, such as unnamed characters, while also providing a glimpse into a captivating world that is both recognizable and distinct from Earth.

Originating as a webcomic in 2019, Strange Planet centers around peculiar blue entities as they navigate the complexities of human customs and behaviors. Embracing the innate peculiarity of mankind, this comic swiftly gained popularity on the internet. Now, it has undergone a transformation, being adapted into an animated series.

The Strange Planet animated series is a collaboration between original webcomic creator Nathan Pyle and Dan Harmon. Featuring a talented cast including Tunde Adebimpe, Demi Adejuyigbe, Lori Tan Chinn, Danny Pudi, Hannah Einbinder, James Adomian, Cedric Yarbrough, and Beth Stelling, Strange Planet is set to debut on Apple TV+ on August 9th.

At San Diego Comic-Con, Screen Rant had a conversation with Strange Planet creator Nathan Pyle regarding his newly released animated series. The discussion shed light on the inspiration behind the original webcomic and how its transformation into animation has shaped the storyline. Furthermore, Pyle shared insights on his collaboration with Dan Harmon for the development of the new series.

Nathan Pyle Talks Strange Planet

Screen Rant: Let's discuss the development of Strange Planet from a webcomic to an animated series.

Nathan Pyle: It's amazing to witness the growth of Strange Planet. Back in 2019, my wife and I started creating these comics in our small New York City apartment. I dedicated myself to producing one comic every day for a whole year, and it gained significant popularity online. During that time, we made the decision to pitch the idea for a show. We connected with Dan Harmon and Steve Levy, and within six months of starting the process, they expressed interest in collaborating. Since then, it has been a constant journey of refinement. Finally, on August 9th, the animated series will be released and we couldn't be more thrilled. Working alongside such talented individuals has been an incredible experience.

That's amazing. Let's discuss that because I'm interested in the collaboration process with Dan Harmon. How has that experience been so far?

Nathan Pyle: Well, Dan has an extensive knowledge of almost every television show ever created. Working with someone of his talent and ability to remember everything is like being inundated with a wealth of knowledge. It's overwhelming but also incredibly rewarding. The collaboration with the animators has been great too. They have a deep understanding of television and animation, and I initially started with a 2D comic, so their expertise in thinking in three dimensions is remarkable. I feel privileged to be working with such exceptional and talented individuals.

I'm interested in delving further into this topic because it fascinates me. Can you discuss your experience working in the medium of animation, which is different from creating a 2D comic? Specifically, can you explain the process of adapting the content?

Nathan Pyle: One of the major challenges we faced with Strange Planet was the absence of named characters in the web comic. We purposely refrained from assigning them names. However, when producing an animated show, a decision had to be made regarding whether or not to name them. Ultimately, we chose not to name them and instead focused on selecting voice actors with distinct qualities. Additionally, we made an effort to create storylines that allowed viewers to easily differentiate between characters. We are extremely proud of the result this decision yielded.

But that was one of the greatest hurdles – transitioning from the simple, often standalone web comic to something that includes recurring characters. In this new venture, you'll come across familiar faces such as Tunde Adebimpe, Demi Adejuyigbe, Lori Tan Chinn, Hannah Einbinder, and Danny Pudi. You'll encounter these characters repeatedly, which brings a sense of satisfaction in developing an association with each one. Interestingly, these characters remain unnamed, adding an enjoyable twist to the challenge of creating Strange Planet.

SDCC 2023: Exclusive Insights from Strange Planet Author Nathan Pyle on Collaborating with Dan Harmon

Can you discuss the casting process? Do these voices match the ones you envisioned while creating the webcomic?

Nathan Pyle: Definitely. When we revealed the names of the five voice actors, many people immediately said, "Oh, Danny Pudi." For a lot of readers, they automatically associate Danny's voice with the characters from Strange Planet when reading the comic. I believe that once you hear all five voices together, you will understand how well they blend and create unique and distinct voices. I am thrilled because there are also other famous personalities making guest appearances in the show. It will be exciting to see how people connect with different characters and even come up with their own names for their favorites. I think it will be a lot of fun.

Nathan Pyle expressed his astonishment at the sheer number of people involved in bringing Strange Planet to life, whether it be through television shows or any streaming platform. He gained a newfound appreciation for the immense talent and hard work involved in creating TV shows and animations. The process of making a show is challenging, requiring a great deal of revision and collaboration. This experience has been a significant learning process for Pyle.

Can you share any insights or hints about what viewers can expect in season one of Strange Planet?

Nathan Pyle: Well, Strange Planet takes place on a planet that is not Earth. Within the first 30 seconds, viewers will realize that this is a distinct and unfamiliar world. What's fascinating is that while there are elements that feel familiar, there are also notable differences on this planet. As you dive into the lives of its inhabitants, you become a visitor witnessing their everyday experiences. That's why I prefer not to refer to them as aliens. Instead, we observe and learn about their lives as outsiders.

SDCC 2023: Exclusive Insights from Strange Planet Author Nathan Pyle on Collaborating with Dan Harmon

That's incredible. Now, for longtime fans of Strange Planet, what are you most excited for them to explore with the animated show?

Nathan Pyle: I believe that in this world, there are certain things that can be explained while others remain unexplained. Some creatures have logical explanations, while others do not. I am eager to preserve a sense of mystery throughout the initial season, and hopefully, in future seasons as well.

What is your desired duration for this series to continue?

Nathan Pyle expressed that his son recently turned two months old, while his daughter is two years old. He hopes that as they grow older, they will be able to comprehend and appreciate Strange Planet. Although they are currently too young, his daughter has already picked up some phrases from the show. Nathan's aspiration is for his children to eventually be able to watch Strange Planet. The release date is set for August 9th, and everyone will have the opportunity to stream it.

Nathan Pyle: On Apple TV+. Yeah.

Apple. I love Apple TV+.

Nathan Pyle: Oh, me too. We're watching Silo right now. Severance was my favorite so far. But Silo, if you haven't checked it out, I would suggest it. Yeah.

About Strange Planet

SDCC 2023: Exclusive Insights from Strange Planet Author Nathan Pyle on Collaborating with Dan Harmon

Strange Planet will follow the adorable blue alien characters of Pyle's creation as they navigate the absurdities of social interactions that humanity faces every day

Strange Planet debuts on Apple TV+ on August 9.