The Netflix anime adaptation of Scott Pilgrim takes a significant departure from the 2010 live-action film. It takes Scott on a thrilling journey through time, bridging the gap between the past and the future as it reaches its conclusion.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World serves as a foundation for Bryan O'Malley and BenDavid Grabinski's anime series. Fans are in for a shock at the end of the initial episode, propelling the rest of the season into uncharted territory.
Rest assured, the plot still revolves around Scott's romantic journey with Ramona and his encounters with her seven evil exes. However, as Dexerto's review of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off suggests, the significant alterations made to Scott's narrative are a refreshing addition.
Given the multitude of storylines and intricate elements to delve into, here is a comprehensive analysis of the mind-boggling conclusion of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. Caution: Expect significant spoilers!
Is Scott really dead?
During his fight with Matthew Patel, Scott appears to perish and leaves behind a few coins. However, in the concluding part of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, it becomes evident that Future Scott was attempting to prevent him from marrying Ramona.
In Episode 7 of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, the complete account of what transpired with Scott is unveiled. He did not die during his encounter with Patel. In fact, at the opportune moment, he was "abducted" through a green portal. By whom? His future self. With the assistance of The Twins, they opened a portal in hopes of altering Scott's destiny with Ramona. Future Scott clarifies that he desired to prevent his former self from being with her.
In the future, they remained together but drifted apart following their marriage, ultimately leading to their divorce. This entire experience left Scott devastated. Acting upon Wallace's suggestion of time travel, Scott decided to consult with Future Ramona to rectify the situation. Future Ramona admitted that she played a role in Young Neil's film script, hoping that Scott would discover the truth if Future Scott succeeded in his plan.
Eventually, Future Ramona transported Scott back to his own time. However, they discovered that a force field prevented them from being intimate and forming a relationship. Believing that one of Ramona's previous romantic partners was responsible, they devised a plan to confront them during the musical rendition of the film. Surprisingly, none of the exes were interested in winning Ramona back.
In the musical, Gideon seeks vengeance against Patel by plotting to sabotage his grand performance with a bomb. However, when it explodes, it unexpectedly transports all the characters to a peculiar future dimension. The true antagonist turns out to be Future Future Scott. Despite Scott's attempts and the presence of a force field, he and Ramona ultimately end up together.
Driven by determination, Gideon devises a fresh strategy and undergoes intensive training to become incredibly muscular, intending to defeat Scott and even conquer Ramona once and for all. All the characters unite their efforts in an attempt to combat Gideon, but he proves to be too formidable. Nevertheless, Future Future Ramona arrives to confront Future Future Scott regarding his disappearance for a decade.
Ramona convinces him that all she needed was some space and that she could have fought for their relationship. However, she claims that it is now too late. Realizing this, Ramona questions whether she is destined to move on from Scott. Gradually, she understands that her difficulties in past relationships stemmed from her inability to love and prioritize herself. In the conclusion of "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off," Ramona ultimately decides to choose herself, embraces future Ramona with a kiss, and undergoes a transformation into Super Ramona. Ultimately, she chooses Scott.
Returning to their present time, they share a passionate kiss. In the epilogue, Ramona pursues a career as a stunt double, Sex Bob-omb continues to thrive, Todd and Roxy become friends, Lucas finds work at a coffee shop, and Wallace goes to Paris where he meets someone special. The anime concludes with Roxy abandoning her habit of dyeing her hair and reunites with the rest of the group.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is available to stream on Netflix.
Read more of Dexerto’s TV & Movies news here, and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off official soundtrack here.
Editor's P/S
1. In the first paragraph, the author mentions that the Netflix anime adaptation of Scott Pilgrim takes a significant departure from the 2010 live-action film. I agree with this statement. The anime series does a great job of capturing the spirit of the original comic book series, while also adding its own unique elements to the story.
2. In the second paragraph, the author discusses the ending of the anime series, which sees Scott and Ramona ultimately end up together. I am happy with this ending. I think it is a fitting conclusion to the story, and it leaves me feeling satisfied. Overall, I really enjoyed the Scott Pilgrim anime series. I think it is a great adaptation of the original comic book series, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the franchise.