Russian Hacking Group Breaches HPE Cloud-Based Email Systems

Russian Hacking Group Breaches HPE Cloud-Based Email Systems

A look into the recent breach of Hewlett Packard Enterprise's cloud-based email systems by a Russian hacking group.

The Breach and Its Impact

The recent breach of Hewlett Packard Enterprise's cloud-based email systems has sent shockwaves through the tech industry, revealing the sophisticated tactics employed by a Russian hacking group.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise, commonly known as HPE, disclosed the breach in a securities filing, shedding light on the extent of the intrusion and the affected mailboxes.

The incident, which occurred on December 12, 2023, targeted a small percentage of HPE mailboxes belonging to individuals in critical segments such as cybersecurity, go-to-market, business functions, and more.

The Notorious Midnight Blizzard

The group responsible for the attack, often referred to as 'Midnight Blizzard,' has gained notoriety for its advanced cyber espionage capabilities and its links to Russia's foreign intelligence service.

This group, also known as 'APT29' among other names, has a history of using sophisticated methods to infiltrate cloud computing networks and breach the security of major tech firms.

Their use of bugged software from US tech firm SolarWinds to access US government agencies and the recent breach of HPE's email systems underscores the group's persistent pursuit of intelligence for the Kremlin.

Ongoing Threat and Response

The breach of HPE's cloud-based email systems is not an isolated incident, as the group responsible has a history of targeting cloud computing networks and evading detection.

HPE's investigation revealed a connection between the December breach and an earlier theft of SharePoint files by the same group in May, highlighting the group's persistent infiltration and data theft.

In response to the breach, both HPE and Microsoft have activated their response processes, underscoring the ongoing threat posed by the Russian hacking group and the need for heightened cybersecurity measures.