The upcoming addition to the MCU, titled The Marvels, is attracting attention due to an unforeseen guest appearance that may connect the universe to Fox's X-Men franchise. Despite facing criticism leading up to its release, The Marvels has received a burst of anticipation thanks to recent exciting updates.
Concerns about the decline in quality of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) have been lingering among fans, with particular attention being placed on the sequel to Captain Marvel released in 2019. This sequel has faced significant backlash, evident from its highly disliked trailer on YouTube and its limited promotional efforts, resulting in unfavorable projections for its box office performance. However, rumors surrounding an unexpected cameo in the upcoming Carol, Monica, and Kamala adventure may serve as a potential remedy to alleviate these concerns.
Warning, potential spoilers for the upcoming movie The Marvels to follow.
An OG member of the X-Men may cameo in The Marvels
Insiders have revealed that The Marvels will feature a special appearance by a character from the original X-Men trilogy of the early 2000s. Despite expectations for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine or Patrick Stewart's Professor Charles Xavier to make a comeback, it will actually be a different beloved X-Man who will be making an appearance.
Instead, it seems that Kelsey Grammer's portrayal of Hank McCoy, also known as Beast, will be making an appearance in The Marvels. Insider DanielRPK hinted at the cameo, expressing that someone who was impeccably cast will be returning.
Afterward, other insiders like DCEUleaks began to float Kelsey Grammar’s Beast as this mysterious cameo.
There is much speculation about how a member of the X-Men might come across The Marvels, with the most popular theory being a multiversal incursion. The connection between The Marvels, Deadpool 3, and the Kang Dynasty has been hinted at by insiders, although it remains unclear how the movie will be related to the multiverse.
However, it is important to remember that at this moment, this is just a rumor and should be approached with caution. As is customary with all MCU projects, there will inevitably be a flurry of rumors circulating before a project is unveiled.
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