Roger Ebert's Top 9 Favorite Comic Book Movies
Explore the top 9 comic book movies that the late Roger Ebert loved and praised in his iconic reviews.
Hellboy: Del Toro's Vibrant Vision
In the realm of comic book adaptations, Hellboy stood out for its unique blend of Guillermo del Toro's visionary direction and Ron Perlman's captivating portrayal of the titular demonic investigator.
Ron Perlman as Hellboy in Hellboy (2004)
Ebert, with his discerning eye, awarded Hellboy a commendable 3.5 out of 4 stars, commending the film for its energy and the palpable passion evident in every frame.
The Amazing Spider-Man: A Reboot Done Right
Among the plethora of Spider-Man interpretations, The Amazing Spider-Man caught Ebert's attention with its fresh take on the iconic hero's origin story.
Spider-Man swinging in The Amazing Spider-Man
Ebert's 3.5-star rating highlighted the film's thoughtful narrative and improved action sequences, solidifying its place as a standout in the superhero genre.
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker in The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
The Crow: A Dark Cult Classic
Brandon Lee's haunting performance in The Crow resonated with Ebert, who praised the film's atmospheric visuals and macabre storytelling.
Brandon Lee in The Crow.
Blade II: Del Toro's Visceral Masterpiece
Blade II, under Guillermo del Toro's direction, impressed Ebert with its brilliant action sequences and innovative take on the vampire-hunting hero.
Nomak and Wesley Snipes' Blade fighting in Blade II (2002)
Superman II: A Sequel of Epic Proportions
Ebert's perfect score for Superman II underscored his admiration for the film's portrayal of the iconic hero and the introduction of the formidable General Zod.
Christopher Reeve's Superman bows to Terence Stamp's Zod in Superman II
Batman Begins: Nolan's Dark Knight Saga Begins
Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins earned Ebert's highest praise, with a perfect 4-star rating, for its profound exploration of the Caped Crusader's origins and Christian Bale's transformative performance.
Batman (Christian Bale) stands stoically inside a warehouse as he prepares to fight some thugs in Batman Begins
Iron Man: The Birth of a Marvel Icon
Ebert recognized the significance of Iron Man in launching the Marvel Cinematic Universe, lauding Robert Downey Jr.'s charismatic portrayal of Tony Stark and the film's blend of wit and action.
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark during weapons demo in Iron Man (2008)
Superman: The Man of Steel's Cinematic Debut
Richard Donner's Superman set the standard for superhero films, captivating Ebert with its timeless charm, witty humor, and groundbreaking special effects.
Christopher Reeve as Superman floating in the sky with the Metropolis cityscape behind him.
The Dark Knight: A Masterpiece of Dark Heroism
The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, transcended the superhero genre with its complex narrative and Heath Ledger's iconic portrayal of the Joker, earning Ebert's perfect rating.
Christian Bale as Batman stands in front of a crumbling building in a poster for The Dark Knight.