Revamping Midnight Suns 2: More Heroes, Better Combat

Revamping Midnight Suns 2: More Heroes, Better Combat

Marvel's Midnight Suns set a new standard for superhero strategy games A sequel could take it even further by expanding the roster and cards, and shaking up the life sim elements and combat flow

Fans of Firaxis were pleasantly surprised to learn that the studio was developing a Marvel-themed tactics game. However, Marvel's Midnight Suns failed to meet sales expectations despite receiving critical acclaim. This was partly due to the game's release window and the niche gameplay genre used for a mass appeal IP. Despite game director Jake Solomon's departure, there is still a strong case for Firaxis to release a sequel that builds upon the successes of Marvel's Midnight Suns while addressing its controversial elements.

Some fans were disappointed with the inclusion of deck-building in the XCOM formula as it introduced an element of chance to the combat. However, strategy played a more crucial role than ever in Marvel's Midnight Suns. Unit positioning and movement were vital, and players could personalize their decks to suit their playstyle. Additionally, the game featured an impressive roster of heroes from across the Marvel universe, allowing for exciting and dynamic combat compositions. A sequel to Marvel's Midnight Suns that emphasizes these aspects while eliminating the life simulation activities between missions could potentially exceed the success of its predecessor.

A Potential Midnight Suns 2 Should Expand the Roster and Cards

Revamping Midnight Suns 2: More Heroes, Better Combat

The impressive roster of Marvel's Midnight Suns has the ability to cater to a wide range of Marvel fans. Despite the vast number of potential characters, the inclusion of members from the Avengers and X-Men alongside the Midnight Suns was a pleasant surprise. However, the potential for a sequel to expand on the number of heroes and explore different corners of the Marvel universe is not to be overlooked. The omission of characters from the Fantastic Four or Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as the absence of other street-level heroes like Daredevil, left fans scratching their heads. With the addition of more heroes, a sequel to Marvel's Midnight Suns could offer a greater diversity in attack and support cards for players to experiment with.

Life Sim Elements and Flow of Combat Need Shaking Up in Marvel's Midnight Suns 2

Revamping Midnight Suns 2: More Heroes, Better Combat

Some fans of Marvel's Midnight Suns would have preferred the game to stick closer to the Enemy Within and XCOM 2 formula rather than featuring life sim elements between missions. The game's Abbey location would have been ideal for base-building, and a potential sequel could benefit from focusing on expanding the Suns' base of operations instead. Additionally, to make combat more engaging, the game could mix up the flow by having characters' stats determine their turn order and allowing them to switch between hero and enemy turns.

This game has the potential to make combat exhilarating for players, while also giving them the option to skip turns for specific characters to execute more diverse combo attacks later on. Firaxis should definitely be given another opportunity to refine their formula in a sequel, as Marvel's Midnight Suns was a successful experiment with the Marvel franchise. The game is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.