Reducing Mortality Risk in ADHD Patients Through Medication Treatment: Study Reveals

Reducing Mortality Risk in ADHD Patients Through Medication Treatment: Study Reveals

Individuals with ADHD face higher risks of premature death and negative health outcomes, yet a recent extensive study conducted in Sweden indicates that using medication to manage the disorder can significantly lower the overall mortality risk among patients.

Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a higher chance of premature death and other negative health consequences. However, a recent study conducted in Sweden indicates that using medication to treat the disorder can lower the overall risk of mortality for patients.

In a study involving almost 150,000 Swedish citizens aged 6 to 64 who were diagnosed with ADHD between 2007 and 2018, researchers monitored the occurrence of deaths within two years of diagnosis.

African American man pouring medications out of a bottle into his hand.

African American man pouring medications out of a bottle into his hand.

African American man pouring medications out of a bottle into his hand.

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During the pandemic, there was a significant increase in prescriptions for ADHD medications, totaling over 1 million. A study revealed that individuals with ADHD who did not receive medication had a higher mortality rate of 48 deaths per 10,000 people, compared to 39 deaths per 10,000 people who did take medication. This resulted in a 19% decrease in the risk of mortality over a 2-year period.

Experts suggest that the latest report highlights the importance of early ADHD diagnoses and provides essential factors for clinicians to discuss with patients considering how to manage their ADHD. This report also urges the United States to urgently address the ongoing shortage of Adderall and other stimulant medications since October 2022.

In the US, millions of individuals are impacted by ADHD. A federal analysis of private insurance data revealed that approximately 4% of individuals aged 5 to 54 had received a stimulant prescription in 2021. Furthermore, there was a noticeable increase in prescriptions for ADHD medications during the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly among young adults and women.

Experts from the New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University Irving Medical Center emphasized the importance of not undertreating ADHD in a recent editorial. The editorial discussed a new study published in the journal JAMA on Tuesday.

According to the study, treatment with ADHD medication significantly lowered the risk of death from "unnatural" causes like accidental injury, suicide, and accidental poisoning, such as drug overdose. The study highlighted that this effect was more pronounced in men.

ADHD medication.

ADHD medication.

ADHD medication.


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Families are feeling stressed during the back-to-school season due to a shortage of ADHD medication. It has been observed that individuals with ADHD are more likely to have other mental disorders and neurological conditions like depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, epilepsy, or conduct disorders.

ADHD medication can help with the main symptoms of ADHD and other mental health conditions, improving impulse control and decision-making. This can lower the risk of accidents, especially those caused by accidental poisoning, according to researchers.

Although ADHD medications work for a short time, it is crucial to think about the long-term effects in addition to the immediate advantages.

"When considering treatment, it's important to not only address the current negative effects of the disorder, but also to think about the long-term implications," explained John Mitchell, an associate professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University School of Medicine. Although his research centers on ADHD, he was not part of the recent study.

Mitchell emphasized, "Properly identifying and treating ADHD could potentially have a positive impact on mortality rates."

The new study discovered that medication did not have a significant impact on the mortality of ADHD patients, particularly when it comes to natural causes of death like medical conditions.

The study authors noted that this finding is reassuring, especially considering recent research that raised worries about the potential long-term effects of ADHD medications on heart health.

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The new study did not track how well ADHD patients consistently adhered to the medications they were prescribed, and other lifestyle factors and aspects of care that could affect outcomes were not considered. Therefore, the link identified between treatment with medication and reduced mortality risk cannot be considered a direct cause-and-effect.

Experts noted in the corresponding editorial that while the medications used to treat ADHD in Sweden are also available in the US, "significant barriers exist in accessing medical and psychiatric services, particularly among underresourced populations" in the US health care system.

Health care professionals need to be trained in screening, diagnosing, and treating ADHD, just like they are for other psychiatric disorders. This will benefit our patients, their families, and society as a whole.

This report includes contributions from CNN's Kristen Rogers.

Editor's P/S:

The study's findings highlight the crucial role of early ADHD diagnosis and treatment in reducing the risk of premature death. It underscores the importance of addressing the ongoing shortage of ADHD medications, particularly Adderall, in the United States. By providing access to effective treatment, we can help individuals with ADHD manage their symptoms and improve their overall health outcomes.

Moreover, the study suggests that ADHD medication can have positive long-term implications, particularly in reducing the risk of accidental deaths. However, it is essential to consider the potential long-term effects of these medications and to monitor patients carefully for any adverse reactions. By balancing the benefits and risks, we can optimize the care of individuals with ADHD and help them live healthier, more fulfilling lives.