Prince of Persia Creator Speaks Out Amid Controversy Over The Lost Crown

Prince of Persia Creator Speaks Out Amid Controversy Over The Lost Crown

Jordan Mechner, the mastermind behind Prince of Persia, adds his witty take on the fan backlash towards Ubisoft Montpellier's latest release, PoP: The Lost Crown Discover Mechner's humorous commentary on the controversy

Jordan Mechner, the mastermind behind Prince of Persia, had a sardonic take on the recent criticism of the upcoming game, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Although the game received an enthusiastic response from the live audience when it was announced during the 2023 Summer Game Fest, online reactions to the reveal were largely negative.

Following the game's unveiling, the initial trailer was met with a deluge of dislikes, as many fans appeared to take issue with creative decisions made by Ubisoft Montpellier. Numerous comments on the trailer's YouTube page, posted as of June 13, criticize everything from the video's use of rap music to the main character's hairstyle.

The backlash regarding the appearance of Sargon, the main character in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, prompted series creator Jordan Mechner to take to social media. On June 12, Mechner tweeted a collage of 25 past renditions of the series' protagonists, which included the original 8-bit hero, Jake Gyllenhaal's live-action portrayal of the iconic prince, and even a LEGO version of the character. Mechner humorously labeled the collection as "an official style sheet" for designing a Prince of Persia hero, suggesting that this diverse range of images could resolve any future character design debates among fans. While Mechner's comment reminds us that the franchise has undergone radical protagonist redesigns before, it's worth noting that Sargon is not the titular prince, but a new character in the series. Therefore, comparing his appearance to previous renditions of the Persian prince may be an exercise in futility.

The development of The Lost Crown does not involve Mechner in an active role, although he has expressed his willingness to create more Prince of Persia games. However, the involvement of Ubisoft Montpellier, known for their critically acclaimed titles like Rayman Origins, Beyond Good and Evil, and Valiant Hearts: The Great War, assures the fans that the upcoming Prince of Persia game is in capable hands. The game is a 2.5D Metroidvania that boasts of a vast open world and varied gameplay. The story revolves around Sargon and his group of warriors, who embark on a mission to rescue the kidnapped Persian prince. The game's return to the series' 2D platforming roots has already earned it a reputation among some fans as a much-needed revival for the long-dormant franchise.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown launches January 18, 2024, on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.