Possible title: Experts Question Switch 2's Compatibility with GTA 6

Possible title: Experts Question Switch 2's Compatibility with GTA 6

Experts cast doubt on the compatibility of GTA 6 with the Nintendo Switch 2, citing concerns over its immense power requirements

Rockstar Games has officially announced that GTA 6 will be available for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. However, the release for PC has not been confirmed to be at the same time as the console versions, leaving the question about the Nintendo Switch 2 unanswered. Digital Foundry addressed these topics in their Direct Special for GTA 6, discussing the game's release for current consoles and the potential for a Nintendo Switch successor to handle GTA 6. As of now, they have doubts about the Switch's capabilities.

While the specifications for the forthcoming Switch 2 have not yet been revealed, DF's Richard Leadbetter believes that there is a strong understanding of what can be expected based on the T239 processor. In his article for Eurogamer and a related video on YouTube, he delves into the hardware.

"I would like to say it's possible, but realistically, I don't think it will happen," Leadbetter stated in the GTA 6 special. "Switch 2 is expected to be significantly improved, representing a true generational leap and forward-thinking in many aspects. However, it appears that the features being mentioned for GTA 6 may surpass even that."

"The Switch 2 isn't going to be powerful enough to run all that ray tracing. I just cannot see it," commented his colleague Oliver Mackenzie.

After a leak, Rockstar Games revealed the first trailer for GTA 6 ahead of The Game Awards 2023. It surpassed 100 million views in 24 hours, proving how wildly anticipated the title is. Rockstar hasn't confirmed whether frame rates will differ between GTA 6 platforms, so keep an eye out for the specs when they come out so that you can make an informed decision.

GTA 6 is currently in development for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Editor's P/S

As a passionate fan of the Grand Theft Auto series, I eagerly await the release of GTA 6. The prospect of exploring a new city, engaging in thrilling missions, and experiencing the latest advancements in gaming technology excites me immensely. However, the recent discussions surrounding the compatibility of GTA 6 with the Nintendo Switch 2 have raised concerns within me.

The experts' doubts about the Switch 2's ability to handle the immense power requirements of GTA 6 are understandable. The game is expected to push the boundaries of graphical fidelity and immersive gameplay, potentially surpassing the capabilities of the upcoming Nintendo console. The comments from Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter and Oliver Mackenzie further reinforce these concerns, suggesting that the Switch 2 may not be powerful enough to deliver the full GTA 6 experience, particularly with regards to ray tracing and other advanced graphical features.