Player 065 Responds to Controversial Marbles Backlash in Squid Game

Player 065 Responds to Controversial Marbles Backlash in Squid Game

Player 065 from the hit series Squid Game addresses the intense criticism received for their controversial actions during the Marbles game, providing a response to the sh*tty backlash

Squid Game: The Challenge Player 065 (Dylan) has been criticized by viewers for his behavior in the Marbles game, leading to him being labeled a "villain". He has now addressed the situation, speaking out about the accusations. Despite being a game show, the dynamics of the show have mirrored those of the fictional Squid Game, with some players being seen as heroes and others as villains.

Player 432 quickly became known as one of the first villains with his scheming and confidence, while the Glass Bridge introduced a new antagonist who was quickly branded a "coward" by the audience.

However, as the game progresses, opinions change, and Player 065 faces backlash for their behavior in the Marbles round. Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Squid Game: Player 065 addresses “sh*tty” marbles backlash

Dylan, also known as Player 065, faced criticism for his behavior in Episode 6. As a reminder, in this game, players had 20 minutes to create and participate in a marble game in pairs. The losing pair would be eliminated, and any pairs unable to determine a winner within the time limit would also be eliminated.

Player 065 and his partner 399 (Aurora) found themselves in a situation. Aurora wanted to play a game that didn't involve throwing, but Dylan refused to compromise. He accused her of raising her voice, even though she wasn't. Eventually, Aurora gave in and they played the throwing game. When the time came to decide the winner, Dylan refused to let her have the win, and they both ended up being eliminated, despite Aurora getting the first marble in the pot.

Dylan was labeled as “the true villain” of Squid Game: The Challenge by one viewer. Another criticized his comment about the woman raising her voice when she appeared to be speaking calmly, calling it a micro aggression. A third person also expressed their disgust, saying, "Yeah, that was really awful."

Another person added their thoughts: "Player 065 definitely should have been eliminated. He was blatantly trying to manipulate 399. And even after she gave in, he continued to act like a sore loser. It's just because he's a man and didn't want to lose to a woman." In response to the criticism on his Instagram page, Player 065 posted a clip of the interaction and noted, "It's important to remember that what you see is only the edited version of what really happened."

The rules and objectives of each marbles game had to be set before playing, and no changes were allowed once the game had commenced. At the end of the game, the winner could not be determined, as this would violate the previously established rules. Following instructions is not a reflection of my character or personal identity.

Player 065 Responds to Controversial Marbles Backlash in Squid Game


"I've added the confessionals directly after the game from both player 399 & myself (065) in my bio. More updates are on the way, but I want to make it clear that I'm not a manipulator or a bully – I refuse to be portrayed in that light. I was simply following the rules of the game."

Viewers continue to express their disagreement with his response, with one commenter stating, "I was shocked by the textbook example of gaslighting that was displayed before us, and the ending was just the icing on the cake." Another viewer remarked, "I agreed with you at first until you had a tantrum at the end for losing."

All nine episodes of Squid Game: The Challenge are currently available for streaming on Netflix, with the finale set to be released next week. Be sure to explore our other coverage below.

Editor's P/S

Player 065's response to the backlash he received for his controversial actions during the Marbles game in Squid Game: The Challenge is understandable, but it doesn't fully address the concerns raised by viewers. While it's true that the edited version of events may not show the full picture, his behavior was still manipulative and disrespectful towards his partner, Player 399.

Accusing her of raising her voice when she wasn't, and then refusing to let her win even though she got the first marble in the pot, were both poor sportsmanship and unfair. Additionally, his dismissive attitude towards the criticism he received, and his insistence that he was simply following the rules, shows a lack of remorse or understanding of how his actions impacted Player 399 and the viewers.

Overall, while Player 065's response sheds some light on his perspective, it doesn't fully address the concerns raised about his behavior, and it's likely that viewers will continue to have mixed feelings about his actions in the game.