Persona 3 Reload: Strategies for Overcoming the Strega Rematch

Persona 3 Reload: Strategies for Overcoming the Strega Rematch

Prepare to face off against Jin and Takaya as they make a return to thwart SEES just before the Fall in Persona 3 Reload. Get ready for a challenging two-part rematch that will test your skills and tactics to emerge victorious.

Jin and Takaya have lost all hope in the future due to their past experiences. As a result, they willingly join Nyx as the world comes to an end on the final day of Persona 3 Reload. To reach the final boss fight of the game, players must first confront and defeat both of them.

In contrast to the initial battle in front of the Hanged Man, players in Persona 3 Reload will face Strega members one by one this time around. Despite this change, Strega's powers have grown stronger since their previous encounter, making them a formidable precursor to the ultimate showdown in Persona 3 Reload.

Tips for Defeating Jin

If you have already made your way up Tartarus in January, you are not far from facing Jin. After passing the newly deployed staircase, you just need to navigate through one regular Tartarus floor to reach Jin's special floor. While shops are no longer accessible during the final Dark Hour, you can still obtain EXP, merge Personas, acquire skill cards (including King cards with an Arcana Burst), and gather Twilight Fragments for chests and full restores.

Upon reaching Jin's floor, there is a teleporter available for easy return to the base of Tartarus. Additionally, players have the option to interact with party members, switch out active party members, and save their game progress. It is advisable to ensure that the party is fully healed with HP and SP before taking on Jin, regardless of whether they engaged in battles on lower floors or bypassed them.

Jin's resistances remain consistent with the initial encounter: he reflects Fire and Dark elements and does not possess any weaknesses. Conversely, he is susceptible to Critical hits and All-Out Attacks. Jin tends to favor Fire and Electric attacks such as grenades, although he may also utilize various other Persona skills to keep players on their toes.

In the first round of combat, Jin initiates by using Weakness Scan, a special skill that allows him to target your party members' weaknesses without consuming his turn. Following this, Jin possesses unique dialogues and abilities that trigger when his HP bar reaches certain thresholds - three-quarters, one-half, and one-quarter. Once Jin reaches these points, players are unable to inflict damage on him until he speaks and takes his turn. It is advisable to focus on using buffs and healing during this time.

When Jin's HP bar diminishes to three-quarters, he utters, "Tch, you guys..." before proceeding with a regular round of combat.

"No... Not yet." Activating the EX Flash Grenade, inflicting 200 Almighty damage with a high chance of causing Confuse and no chance of reduction.

"You're not..." Initiates phase two after administering the Potent Stim Injection.

To defeat Takaya, you must be prepared for a change in the battle dynamics. After administering himself with Potent Stim Injection, Jin's abilities shift. He gains 8,000 HP and a lasting attack boost, but also suffers from a defense reduction and loses 1,600 HP at the conclusion of each turn. In this altered state, Jin can unleash Megidolaon. With no dialog thresholds to worry about, this is the ideal moment to unleash the Fusion Spell Armageddon by utilizing the protagonist's Theurgy gauge and fusing Helel and Satan.

There are three additional regular Tartarus floors located between Jin and Takaya. Once again, you have the option to engage in battles with Shadows for experience and items or bypass them to quickly reach the stairs. Takaya's floor features a slightly different layout, but similar to before, you have the ability to adjust your party, save your progress, or teleport back to the first floor if you feel unprepared to face Takaya.

As you ascend, you will come across a standard chest containing a valuable Soma. It is advisable to refrain from using it immediately if you do not possess any others, as it could prove to be useful during the impending battle.

Takaya's resistances remain unchanged from the initial battle: he reflects Light, absorbs Dark, and is susceptible to Critical hits. In addition to his unique abilities, Takaya employs both Light and Dark skills in his attacks, including those that target all foes for instant death. It is crucial to ensure that your protagonist is equipped with a Persona that nullifies, reflects, or absorbs Light and Dark if you do not have any Homunculi available, as this will prevent a swift defeat in one turn.

Similar to Jin, Takaya interjects with dialogue at three specific points throughout the encounter, ceasing to take damage once a dialogue threshold is reached. These thresholds occur when his health is at three-quarters, one-half, and one-eighth.

Paragraph 1: "Hahaha..." The enemy starts using Megidolaon.

Paragraph 2: "I don't like the look..." The enemy starts using Soul Drain, which absorbs every point of SP from a single character. It is recommended to save some Precious Eggs or similar items for this fight.

Takaya's unnamed Theurgy inflicts Dark damage on every character, bypassing resistances and potentially causing Fear. Additionally, it reduces every character's SP to 1. Fuuka's Theurgy can address these issues, but if she is unavailable, consider using the Soma obtained earlier to counteract the effects.

Alternatively, to save the Soma, you can deliver a final Theurgy attack to Takaya to bring an end to the battle. Following this, you have the option to teleport back to the base of Tartarus and utilize seven Twilight Fragments on the clock to completely rejuvenate the party. It is crucial that your active party is fully restored with HP and SP before proceeding, whether it be during or after the confrontation, as the only remaining challenge is the battle against Nyx.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive guide to defeating Jin and Takaya in Persona 3 Reload, offering valuable tips and strategies. It effectively outlines the changes in their abilities and resistances compared to the initial battles, highlighting the unique challenges players face during this final showdown. The detailed descriptions of Jin's HP thresholds and Takaya's critical attacks provide players with a clear understanding of their opponents' patterns and weaknesses.

The article also emphasizes the importance of party preparation, including healing, buffs, and the utilization of specific Personas to counter Jin and Takaya's attacks. By providing a step-by-step approach, the article effectively guides players through the process of reaching the final boss fight, ensuring that they are well-equipped and prepared for the challenges ahead.