Percy Jackson Episode 6: The Lotus Casino Letdown
A review of the latest episode of Percy Jackson & The Olympians on Disney+
The Lackluster Lotus Casino
The events of the Casino does allow more development for Grover, but other characters are thrown by the wayside. Any attempts to really set up Luke’s character are once again told in overly dramatized monologues rather than shown, and Hermes, played by Lin Manuel Miranda – who no, doesn’t rap here – is an intriguing enough character, though maybe not quite enough to explain a future character twist later down the line. However, there are some highlights in this episode. Percy and Annabeth bantering like 'an old married couple' is always entertaining. The ending helps set up what is bound to be the climactic run of the season, and by the end of the episode, the bond between our main trio really is cemented. The cab driving scene, which comes in clutch at the end, is certainly the best part of the episode, playing into the absurdity of 12-year-olds working to save the world. Percy Jackson seems to be at its best when its trio feels their most panicked, which will thankfully continue as we get closer to the season finale. Percy Jackson & the Olympians Episode 6 review score: 2/5 Unfortunately, it seems that Percy Jackson Episode 6 may be the series’ weakest so far, which is a shame considering how excited fans were for it. This may oddly become one of the moments where those infamous movies are actually viewed more highly, as sacrilegious as that feels to say for a fan. The episode isn’t terrible, and considering how good the past episodes have been, being considered the weakest so far actually isn’t that damning of a fate. But let’s hope the quest reaches another high point next time around. Check out how and when you can watch more Percy Jackson episodes here.