Payday 3: Unveiling Flash Drive Location - Your Ultimate Guide

Payday 3: Unveiling Flash Drive Location - Your Ultimate Guide

Uncover the whereabouts of the elusive flash drive in the Payday 3 mission Under The Surphaze with this concise guide

In Payday 3's Under the Surphaze mission, players must infiltrate a New York art gallery to steal a pair of paintings for a client who wants them before they are stored privately. Multiple paintings need to be taken, each requiring a specific method for success.

For the final segment of the Payday 3 heist, players must locate a flash drive for an Uma Ladette painting. Within the gallery, there are two paintings by the artist, one genuine and the other fake. The flash drive holds the key to determining the authenticity of the paintings, but it is concealed somewhere in the building. This guide will assist players in swiftly locating the flash drive during the Under the Surphaze heist.

How to Find Flash Drive in Under The Surphaze

Payday 3: Unveiling Flash Drive Location - Your Ultimate Guide

The flash drive, referred to as a USB drive in the game, can be obtained in the Manager's office. The exact location of the Manager's office may vary depending on the difficulty of the heist, but it will always be situated on the building's second floor. The second floor consists of three sections of office hallways that are situated between exhibition halls.

There are multiple ways to gain entry into the building. Players can either enter through the front door from the courtyard or access the second floor through the scaffolding on the building's side. The latter option is recommended as it allows players to quickly reach the second floor without detection. Once on the second floor, carefully check each of the three hallways for a door with the Manager's Office sign and proceed to unlock it using a lockpick.

Players may need to restrain a civilian if one is present, otherwise the small office will be unoccupied. Although the flash drive is not immediately necessary, players will require access to the Manager's Office to locate additional paintings, allowing them to complete this task at the mission's outset.

Payday 3: Unveiling Flash Drive Location - Your Ultimate Guide

The manager's desk hides a concealed wall with a hidden safe that can be accessed. Inside the safe, players will find the valuable flash drive and a stack of cash that can also be collected. Unlocking the safe involves a minigame of carefully turning the dial until the lock indicator turns green, without overshooting. This process needs to be repeated three times in order to successfully open the safe and retrieve the flash drive.

Payday 3 is currently accessible on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S platforms.