One Piece: Why Elbaf May Not Host the Next Arc

One Piece: Why Elbaf May Not Host the Next Arc

Discover why the Straw Hat pirates are set to part ways for the epic conclusion of One Piece's saga.

Currently, One Piece is in the Egghead Island arc, with fans eagerly anticipating the Final Saga and the upcoming Elbaf arc. Fans initially thought the first arc of the Final Saga would be short and slow, following the intense and lengthy previous arc.

Surprisingly, the Egghead Island arc turned out to be much more robust and exciting than expected. Oda exceeded all expectations with this arc, delivering an incredible story. While fans were already aware that Elbaf would be the next big arc, as hinted by Oda in the Egghead arc, it could still be a surprise twist. With the way things are unfolding in Egghead, Elbaf may not happen immediately after all. Oda might have some other plans in store for the fans.

Elbaf As The Next One Piece Arc

Elbaf island in ne piece is the home of giants - Elbaf As The Next One Piece Arc

Elbaf island in ne piece is the home of giants - Elbaf As The Next One Piece Arc

During the Egghead Island arc, fans were given the impression by Oda himself that the Elbaf arc would come next. While many fans anticipated the Straw Hat Pirates visiting Elbaf at some point, they were surprised to learn it would be right after Egghead. When the Marines surrounded Egghead, Vegapunk and Nami discussed the Logpose pointing towards Elbaf. This revelation excited Luffy and Usopp as they looked forward to exploring the interesting island and reuniting with old friends.

The possibility of Elbaf following Egghead was reinforced by the presence of the Giant Pirates on Egghead. They expressed their intent to take Luffy back with them, indicating a high likelihood of success. However, Oda's message at Jump Festa at the end of the year revealed that he had not finalized the Straw Hats' next destination post-Egghead. While confirming the conclusion of Egghead in 2024 and the start of a new arc, Oda mentioned having an alternate path in mind in case he changed his decision. This uncertainty is heightened by the sudden arrival of the five elders on the future island.

How The End Of Egghead Changes The Course For the Straw Hats

saturn summons five elders one piece 1109 - How The End Of Egghead Changes The Course For the Straw Hats

saturn summons five elders one piece 1109 - How The End Of Egghead Changes The Course For the Straw Hats

The Egghead Island arc is reaching its conclusion, with fans witnessing captivating drama unfold. Dr. Vegapunk, who appears to be on the brink of death with no pulse, has a crucial message to share with the world. This message is expected to reveal the truth behind the World Government, potentially exposing secrets about Imu and Nika. The government is determined to prevent this information from being disclosed.

In response, the World Government has dispatched its strongest warriors to suppress Vegapunk's message. In chapter 1109 of One Piece, Luffy faced off against Saturn and Kizaru, defeating the latter but now facing a new threat. The Five Elders, the most powerful figures in the One Piece world, have gathered on Egghead Island. It is clear that Luffy cannot face all Five Elders alone.

Will The Straw Hats Split Up On Egghead?

nami straw hat escape plan one piece 1105 - Will The Straw Hats Split Up On Egghead?

nami straw hat escape plan one piece 1105 - Will The Straw Hats Split Up On Egghead?

One possible scenario that fans may need to consider on Egghead is the potential split-up of the Straw Hat Pirates. This is a tactic that Oda has used before, and it could happen here as well. A significant number of the crew and allies still need to evacuate from Egghead. Luffy is currently holding off the Government forces alone to ensure everyone else can escape. It seems that Luffy is prepared to delay the enemies for as long as possible, even if it means he stays behind. Dorry, Brogy, and the Giant Pirates have also gathered on Egghead and may support Luffy in the battle against the Five Elders and the Marines.

It is possible that Luffy will create an opportunity for the Straw Hat Pirates to flee to Elbaf while he faces the Marines alone. This could result in Luffy confronting the Government solo, with uncertain outcomes. The Iron Giant may assist in rescuing Luffy and the Giants, providing a chance for them to escape after the Straw Hat Pirates. Alternatively, Luffy might be defeated, leading to a mini-arc where he needs to be rescued. The Straw Hat Grand Fleet, who all have Luffy's Vivre Card, could play a crucial role in this situation. If Luffy's card begins to burn, they will follow it and attempt to save him. Given the current situation on Egghead, this scenario is highly plausible and could be implemented by Oda as Egghead nears its conclusion.

Elbaf may not be the next arc after Egghead, but rather a focus on Luffy who helped everyone escape. Now, Luffy needs to be rescued from the World Government before they execute him. The Straw Hat Grand Fleet, along with allies, will face off against the World Government in what promises to be an intense battle. Once Luffy is saved, the Straw Hat Pirates could potentially return to Elbaf as originally planned by Oda.

Fans can read One Piece officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus app through Viz Media. The next chapter, One Piece 1110, is scheduled to be released on March 17, 2024.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides an intriguing analysis of the potential trajectory of the One Piece manga, particularly regarding the upcoming Elbaf arc. While fans initially anticipated a swift transition to Elbaf following the Egghead Island arc, the article suggests that Oda may have other plans in store. The revelation of the Five Elders' presence on Egghead Island and the impending conclusion of the arc raise questions about whether Elbaf will be the immediate next destination for the Straw Hat Pirates.

The article also explores the possibility of a split-up among the Straw Hat Pirates as they face overwhelming odds on Egghead. The scenario of Luffy confronting the Marines alone while the rest of the crew escapes to Elbaf is a captivating concept that could lead to intense battles and emotional moments. The involvement of the Iron Giant and the Straw Hat Grand Fleet adds further layers of intrigue and potential alliances. Overall, the article effectively captures the excitement and speculation surrounding the future of One Piece, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the next chapter.