One Piece: Explosive Alliance? Uncovering the Truth Behind the Straw Hats and CP0!

One Piece: Explosive Alliance? Uncovering the Truth Behind the Straw Hats and CP0!

Amidst the intense situation on Egghead Island, the Straw Hat crew surprises all by forming an unexpected alliance with their once sworn enemies, CP0 A delicate balance hangs in the air as the story unfolds


The Straw Hat Pirates are in a precarious situation on Egghead Island, trapped with no way to escape due to the incoming assault of Marine battleships.

In a surprising turn of events, Luffy and his crew have entered into a temporary partnership with Rob Lucci and Kaku from Cipher Pol in order to confront the Seraphim. The atmosphere grows increasingly tense as the Marines remain resolute in their mission to eradicate Vegapunk, and the alliance faces the risk of unraveling if the Marines launch an assault on Vegapunk's laboratory.

The ongoing Egghead Island Arc in One Piece has raised numerous questions among fans regarding the outcome of the precarious situation and the events that led up to it. Initially, the Straw Hat Pirates seemed to be in a hopeless position, but now they have taken control of the Island of the Future, albeit with no means of a safe escape. This is primarily because they are being attacked by Marine battleships, who are trying to execute Vegapunk for his research into the Void Century, following a failed assassination attempt by CP0.

In order to confront the Seraphim, the entity responsible for the abolishment of the World Government's Seven Warlords system, Luffy and his crew have formed an alliance with Cipher Pol agents Rob Lucci and Kaku. Battling against the Seraphim's Lunarian genetics, Devil Fruit powers, and unique fighting styles, the Straw Hats had no choice but to work alongside their sworn enemies after York's betrayal. Whether this alliance will continue beyond the current situation on the island remains uncertain, and only time will reveal if it marks the beginning of another successful partnership for Luffy and his crew.

The Siege Of Egghead Island

One Piece: Explosive Alliance? Uncovering the Truth Behind the Straw Hats and CP0!

After CP0 failed to eliminate Vegapunk on the orders of the Five Elders, a fleet of Marine battleships, led by Admiral Kizaru and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, arrived with nine Vice Admirals to assess the situation. The tension escalated when the Seraphim turned against the Straw Hats and the Cipher Pol agents after Sentomaru, who held the highest position of authority following Vegapunk, was incapacitated.

Unbeknownst to them, Vegapunk's satellite named York had made a secret deal with the Five Elders to secure her release from the death sentence imposed upon Vegapunk and his satellites. In exchange, she had informed the Five Elders about Vegapunk's research on the Void Century. This particular aspect of his work originated from his study of texts salvaged from the Library of Ohara, which were obtained by the giants of Elbaf after the devastating Buster Call that obliterated the island 22 years ago.

A vast multitude of Cipher Pol agents from CP5, CP7, and CP8 found themselves held captive on the island, courtesy of York, who operated covertly, manipulating events from the midst of shadows. Additionally, York managed to capture Vegapunk's central form, known as the Stella. Responding promptly to this distress signal, the illustrious Five Elders dispatched an extraordinary and formidable force to the heavily fortified Egghead Island, armed with state-of-the-art military technology, unmatched anywhere else in the world. Hence, the invasion force, which boasts the presence of an Admiral, nine Vice Admirals, and personally escorted by one of the Five Elders, should undoubtedly ignite a profound sense of concern, revealing that the predicament at hand is even more critical and perilous than the tragic events that unfolded on Ohara.

An Unlikely Alliance Forged In Adversity

One Piece: Explosive Alliance? Uncovering the Truth Behind the Straw Hats and CP0!

Confronting the Seraphim, under the orders of York, proved to be a formidable challenge for the Straw Hats. They had just returned victorious from a fierce battle against the formidable Emperors Big Mom and Kaido. Despite their significant progress in terms of strength and reputation among the pirates of the New World, the idea of facing literal clones of the former Seven Warlords of the Sea, enhanced with Lunarian genetics, was absolutely terrifying.

Luffy and Zoro initially faced difficulty defusing the situation, as they also had to consider protecting Vegapunk's lab from destruction. Similarly, the Cipher Pol 0 agents, Rob Lucci and Kaku, struggled to deal with the Seraphim. Despite their growth in strength since their previous encounter with the Straw Hats in Enies Lobby, they were still no match for Vegapunk's creations.

Furthermore, when comparing Luffy's decisive victory over Lucci in their rematch using Gear 5, even after Lucci demonstrated his Zoan Awakening, it is reasonable to assume that he would have likely been defeated by the Seraphim as well, given Luffy's own struggles. After being defeated and bound by the Straw Hats, Lucci and Kaku recognized their uselessness and requested to be released in order to assist in neutralizing the Seraphim threat.

A Delicately Poised Situation

One Piece: Explosive Alliance? Uncovering the Truth Behind the Straw Hats and CP0!

After deliberation and argument, Luffy and Zoro made the decision to release Lucci and Kaku, thus agreeing to a temporary alliance. In Chapter 1089 of One Piece, it was revealed that the battle with the Seraphim had ended and York had become a hostage of the Straw Hat Pirates. This scene also depicted Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy standing with the crew, suggesting that they may still be allies for now.

Currently, the Straw Hats, Vegapunk, Sentomaru, and CP0 have taken refuge on Egghead Island to negotiate with Kizaru. Unfortunately, it appears that the World Government is unyielding in their determination to eliminate Vegapunk, which poses a threat to the Straw Hats. If the Marines decide to forcibly invade the island, it is highly likely that CP0 will support them, as Lucci and Kaku are eager for another opportunity to confront the crew.

Therefore, if the Marines infiltrate Vegapunk's lab, the alliance is unlikely to survive due to CP0's loyalty to the World Government. Additionally, the involvement of the Blackbeard Pirates further complicates the situation. However, the chaos that may arise from a full-scale battle royale could potentially provide an opportunity for the crew to escape. Regardless of the outcome, fans eagerly anticipate the next developments when the manga resumes. You can watch One Piece on Crunchyroll for streaming.