Niles & Daphne's Absence Opens Up Possibilities for Frasier Reboot (& Why Their Return is Essential)

Niles & Daphne's Absence Opens Up Possibilities for Frasier Reboot (& Why Their Return is Essential)

David reveals the truth about Niles and Daphne's absence in the Frasier reboot, leaving fans longing for their return Discover where they are and whether they'll ever make an appearance again Don't miss out on David's heartfelt admission in Episode 4

Warning! Spoilers ahead for the Frasier reboot episode 4.


In episode 4 of the Frasier reboot, it is revealed that Niles and Daphne are still residing in Seattle, while Frasier embarks on new adventures in Boston. David's expression of longing for his parents emphasizes their absence from the show.

Niles and Daphne are not part of season 1 of the Frasier reboot, but there is a chance they might make a cameo or appear in future seasons if the show gets renewed. In episode 4 of the Frasier reboot, the truth about Niles and Daphne is finally revealed in relation to the events of the revival. Frasier Crane has recently moved back to Boston, his hometown, after a change of plans. After attending his father's funeral in Seattle, Frasier now has to navigate his new life in Boston, including his job as a lecturer at Harvard and his complicated relationship with Freddy, all without the support of his brother, Niles.

Why David Hyde Pierce & Jane Leaves Aren’t In The Frasier Reboot

Unquestionably, it is rather peculiar that Frasier decides to depart Seattle shortly after Martin's funeral in the Frasier reboot. Instead of remaining in his hometown to be near his family during this time of mourning, despite leaving his hosting job in Chicago and ending his relationship with Charlotte, one might have expected him to choose to spend time back in Seattle, particularly considering his close bond with Niles and his wife, Daphne. Furthermore, Frasier does not feel compelled to work again due to his significant wealth accumulated through his successful leadership of Dr. Crane. Nevertheless, there are underlying reasons that swiftly urged Frasier to leave his hometown and return to Beantown.

Niles & Daphne's Absence Opens Up Possibilities for Frasier Reboot (& Why Their Return is Essential)

The original plan for the Frasier revival was to reunite the entire original cast, including Niles and Daphne. Kelsey Grammer, who not only stars in the Paramound+ project but also serves as a producer, approached both David Hyde Pierce and Jane Leeves with the concept. Unfortunately, both of them declined the opportunity. It is unclear whether they were offered cameo appearances instead of recurring roles, but Pierce specifically stated that he felt he had already accomplished everything he wanted to with his character, Niles. Regardless, his stance is not surprising, as he has always been vocal about his opposition to reviving Frasier.

Not much has been disclosed regarding Leeves' decision, but it is likely that her choice was influenced by Pierce's. This rationale is logical, considering the intricate connection between their characters. It becomes considerably more doubtful to envision Daphne returning in the Frasier reboot without Niles, as it would inevitably raise inquiries about the status of their relationship. Although they do not make physical appearances in the Paramount+ project, there is an understanding that they remain deeply committed to one another and still share a profound love. They continue to reside in Seattle, which is why they are no longer seen spending time with Frasier. However, their son, David, is with him.

David Admits He Misses His Parents In Frasier Episode 4

Niles & Daphne's Absence Opens Up Possibilities for Frasier Reboot (& Why Their Return is Essential)

In episode 4 of the Frasier reboot, titled "Trivial Pursuits," David assists his uncle in preparing a meal for Freddy and his fellow firefighters by delivering the necessary groceries. While seated at the firehouse, he openly expresses his longing for his parents, effectively articulating the sentiment shared by all in the absence of Daphne and Niles. The Frasier reboot has received mixed reviews from both critics and viewers, but a common opinion across both groups is the desire to see Pierce and Leeves in the new show. David successfully vocalizes the collective sentiment surrounding the absence of these two significant characters in the new series.

Unfortunately, Freddy's firefighter friends mistakenly assume that David is an orphan. Frasier and his son are unaware of this misunderstanding, and David is too excited about the attention he receives at the firehouse. The extent to which the Frasier reboot will address this miscommunication in future episodes is currently unknown. However, since there are no regular updates on Niles and Daphne in the show, it may become a recurring joke or be forgotten entirely.

Where Niles & Daphne Are In The Frasier Reboot

Niles & Daphne's Absence Opens Up Possibilities for Frasier Reboot (& Why Their Return is Essential)

The Frasier reboot has effectively updated viewers on Frasier's activities over the past two decades. He was romantically involved with Claire for an extended period and successfully hosted a television program called Dr. Crane in Chicago. Prior to relocating to Boston, he spent time in Seattle to bid farewell to his father. Surprisingly, little information has been revealed about Daphne and Niles' lives since the original series ended. Frasier barely mentioned his brother's reaction to Martin's death, although he did note that Niles' wife delivered a heartfelt speech during the funeral.

Based on that, it can be inferred that Niles and Daphne chose to remain in Seattle in order to raise their family. Although it was possible for them to have traveled to Daphne's home country, the fact that David lacks a British accent suggests that he was brought up in the United States. Additionally, the couple expressed contentment with their current situation in the Emerald City. They enjoyed being close to their loved ones and friends, and Niles found success in his private practice. In contrast to Frasier, who felt compelled to relocate, Niles and Daphne were genuinely happy with their lives in the Pacific Northwest. The decision to set the Frasier reboot in Seattle also provides a valid explanation for their absence.

Will Niles & Daphne Ever Appear In The Frasier Reboot

Niles & Daphne's Absence Opens Up Possibilities for Frasier Reboot (& Why Their Return is Essential)

Despite declining Grammer's invitation to join the Frasier reboot, Pierce and Leeves still maintain a strong relationship. This raises the possibility of them reprising their roles as Niles and Daphne in the future, albeit not in the upcoming season 1 of the reboot. However, if Paramount+ decides to extend the comedy series, Grammer and his team have the option to approach Pierce and Leeves once again for a Niles and Daphne cameo.

Finding a way to incorporate Niles and Daphne into the Frasier reboot shouldn't pose a major challenge. While returning to Seattle isn't feasible since the new show aims to establish its own identity, they could easily travel to Boston to visit Frasier and also spend time with David. Maybe they're en route to a European vacation and decide to make a brief stop in Beantown. If executed well, this could greatly impact the Frasier reboot. Catch new episodes of the Frasier reboot every Thursday on Paramount+.