Negan's Fate Unveiled: Does He Meet His Demise in The Walking Dead?
Discover the fate of Negan in The Walking Dead series, both in the comics and the TV show Unveil the truth about who ultimately ends his reign of terror Experience the talent of the actor who brings this iconic villain to life on the small screen
He is regarded as one of the most influential, malevolent, and indelible characters in the series. The on-screen demise of Glenn and Abraham at his hands has left a lasting impact on numerous fans, making forgiveness an impossibility for many. However, what ultimately happens to Negan himself? Does he meet his demise in the comics or the show? Below, we provide all the information that is currently available.
Once the leader of the Saviors, he was notorious for his ruthless and autocratic reign, often brandishing Lucille, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.
In 2023, Negan makes a comeback on the small screen with the spinoff series 'Dead City,' joined by Maggie, as they venture into a fresh chapter of his character's evolution. Additional spinoffs, such as 'Daryl Dixon' and 'The Ones Who Live,' are set to debut in 2024, showcasing the stories of Rick Grimes and Michonne.
For many other characters, though, their adventure ended in Season 11. But, what about Negan’s future? Does he die?…
Does Negan die in The Walking Dead? TV Show & Comics fate explained
Negan, once the most formidable antagonist in TWD, continues to thrive even after Rick Grimes inflicts a throat-slashing blow during their confrontation with the Saviors. Against all odds, Rick makes the decision to preserve Negan's life in honor of Carl's wishes.
Imprisoned during the Season 8-9 time jump, he has been striving to reform himself ever since. According to the comics, Negan was originally slated to meet his demise in issue #174, courtesy of Maggie. However, the intended plot of shooting him never came to fruition. Subsequently, he starred in a spinoff comic titled Negan Lives!
Who kills Negan?
It was planned that Maggie would kill Negan, in revenge for killing Glenn, yet it didn’t play out like that.
In Dead City, Maggie and Negan find themselves at odds, even though they are on the same side.
Despite initially intending to kill off Negan, Robert Kirkman ultimately chose to spare his life, resulting in him remaining alive. However, in Dead City, a scheme appears to be unfolding to orchestrate his demise, with Maggie and former Savior, Croat, seemingly collaborating on this plot.
Who plays Negan in The Walking Dead TV show?
Renowned for his portrayal of Negan in The Walking Dead, Jeffrey Dean Morgan has established himself as an exceptional actor across various mediums. Displaying his remarkable versatility, he has successfully navigated a diverse range of television and film projects.
Fans can still keep up with their favorite character, Negan, as he continues to thrive on-screen. His story extends beyond the main series with the spinoff 'Dead City,' which is scheduled to be released in 2023. In this new series, Negan forms a partnership with Maggie, the same Maggie who tragically lost her partner, Glenn, at Negan's hands years ago. This unique collaboration promises to deliver an intriguing storyline for fans to savor.
Editor's P/S
1. Negan is a complex and fascinating character. He is one of the most evil villains in The Walking Dead, but he is also capable of great good. I think it is interesting to see how he evolves over the course of the series. In the comics, he eventually becomes a better person, and I think it would be great to see that happen in the show as well.
2. I am excited to see what happens to Negan in the upcoming spinoff series, Dead City. I think it will be interesting to see how he interacts with Maggie, who is still grieving the loss of her husband, Glenn. I also think it will be interesting to see how he deals with the new threat of the Reapers. I am hopeful that Negan will continue to evolve as a character and that he will eventually find redemption.