Monogatari Anime Series Returns with Off-Season and Monster Season Adaptations

Monogatari Anime Series Returns with Off-Season and Monster Season Adaptations

Aniplex announces the long-awaited return of the Monogatari anime series with the adaptation of Nisio Isin's Off Season and Monster Season light novels. The announcement, accompanied by a trailer and teaser visuals, has sparked excitement among fans as they anticipate the surreal and captivating storytelling that the series is known for.

The Announcement and Teaser

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, Aniplex made an exhilarating announcement that has set the anime community abuzz with excitement. The renowned Monogatari anime series is set to make a grand return with the adaptation of Nisio Isin's Off Season and Monster Season light novels. This eagerly anticipated news was revealed through a captivating trailer and teaser visual that have left fans eagerly anticipating the surreal and enthralling storytelling that the Monogatari series is known for.



The official website and social media handles of the Monogatari anime series were ablaze with the news of the upcoming adaptations. The cryptic teasers in the form of 'O' and 'M' had piqued the interest of fans for a while, and now the mystery has been unveiled. The 'O' and 'M' letters were revealed to signify the Off-Season and Monster Season anime projects, much to the delight of fans who have been eagerly awaiting the continuation of the beloved series.

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The Promotional Video and Teaser Visual

The commemorative promotional video released by Aniplex features a mesmerizing display of the beloved characters from the Monogatari anime series. Fans were treated to a surreal scene that encapsulates the core elements of the series, leaving them eagerly anticipating the upcoming adaptations. The teaser visual, illustrated by the talented Akio Watanabe, showcases familiar characters, invoking a wave of nostalgia among fans as they prepare for the next chapter in the Monogatari saga.

A surreal scene from the trailer (Image via SHAFT)

A surreal scene from the trailer (Image via SHAFT)

The newly unveiled visual, featuring iconic characters such as Nadeko Sengoku, Tsukihi Araragi, Mayoi Hachikuji, Suruga Kanbaru, and Yotsugi Ononoki, has reignited the fervor of fans who have been eagerly awaiting the return of the Monogatari anime series. The striking visual serves as a reminder of the captivating narrative and distinct visual style that has made the series a beloved staple in the anime community.

New visual for Monogatari anime series (Image via Studio SHAFT)

New visual for Monogatari anime series (Image via Studio SHAFT)

Staff and Production Details

The announcement not only provided a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming adaptations but also shed light on the talented individuals who will be at the helm of the production. Akiyuki Shinbo, renowned for his exceptional directorial prowess, is set to take on the role of chief director under SHAFT Studios, promising an extraordinary visual and storytelling experience for fans.

Additionally, the announcement revealed the return of familiar faces in the staff lineup, including Midori Yoshizawa as the series director and Akio Watanabe as the character designer and chief animation director. With such a stellar team on board, fans can rest assured that the Off-Season and Monster Season adaptations are in capable hands, poised to deliver an unforgettable viewing experience.