Modern Warfare 3 Patch Notes: Enhancements to Movement and Resolution of Critical Zombies Problem
Experience groundbreaking enhancements and crucial bug fixes in the highly-anticipated Modern Warfare 3 update Brace yourself for an evolved multiplayer experience, improved gameplay mechanics, new maps, and enhanced stability Prepare for intense battles against zombies, conquer formidable enemies, and unlock exciting progression rewards Get ready for a game-changing update like never before!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has released a new update, which addresses several issues and makes significant improvements to the game's slide movement. The patch notes for November 17 highlight the fix for a particularly bothersome problem in the Zombies mode.
Enhancing movement is a crucial aspect of Modern Warfare 3, and this update focuses on enhancing the smoothness of sliding. To achieve this, the Tac Sprint refresh delay has been decreased by 75%, and the sprint delay after sliding has been reduced by 53%. The developer made these adjustments based on player feedback, acknowledging that the previous delay was excessively aggressive.
Additionally, a noteworthy change has been made to the functioning of the game's Armory Unlock challenges. Players will now progress through Armory Unlocks without the requirement of completing their daily challenges first.
As for the Zombies aspect of the game, an irritating problem has been resolved in the latest update. The patch notes confirm that players will no longer be automatically joined into a story mission if another player successfully completes a Story Mission exfil. Other fixes for Zombies include addressing exploits that permitted players to duplicate weapons and scorestreaks, and rectifying the issue with the timing of exfil which allowed players to accidentally fall from the exfil helicopter at the map's edge when departing from the Sub Pen.
The exfil sites now have a decreased number of zombies. This update brings better stability to matches, preventing lag caused by excessive enemy spawns. However, players who have been intentionally killing zombies at the exfil locations may find this news unfavorable. The complete patch notes can be found below, originally shared on Call of Duty's website.
Here's our comprehensive evaluation of the multiplayer and Zombies mode in Modern Warfare 3. At present, MW3 provides a fresh and innovative playlist that showcases notable aspects related to adversaries and allies.
New FeaturesA new addition is the ability to preview Weapon Camos and Aftermarket Parts that are earned through Weekly Challenges.
Weekly Challenges will now show the base Weapon linked to Aftermarket Part rewards.
Bug Fixes: Fixed a problem that permitted Players from selecting unsupported Modes in Private Matches.
Players will not get stuck in an "Activating Token" state anymore after using an XP Token.
Fixed a loophole that enabled Players to equip Aftermarket Parts without fulfilling the minimum requirements.
MovementDecreased Tac Sprint refresh delay after sliding by 75%.
Decreased Tac Sprint refresh time to match the Infantry Vest/Running Sneakers.
The delay after sliding has been reduced by 53%. After receiving feedback from Players, we realized that the previous delay was too aggressive. Our latest updates aim to enhance movement smoothness without making slide and Tac Sprint the only feasible option for Players.
WeaponsCorrected Attachment unlock requirements for several MWII Weapons.
ChallengesCorrected unlock challenge tracking conditions for BBQ (Operator).
Fixed an issue where the Priceless Camo challenge for the DM58 (Marksman Rifle) could not be advanced.
Armory UnlocksWins will now count towards Armory Unlocks even if Daily Challenges are not completed first.Expect UI adjustments in an upcoming game update to accurately represent this modification.
EstateIncreased brightness in low-light areas to improve Player visibility.
UnderpassAdjusted a spawn point in the Parking Lot to prevent Players from dying upon respawn.
Exploit Fix for Remote Turret
We have taken measures to address an exploit that granted Players invisibility while using the Remote Turret.
Currently, we are actively looking into additional reports of exploits associated with the Remote Turret. We will reactivate its functionality once we have determined that it is safe to do so.
Resolved a concern where Players eligible for a Story Mission were unintentionally placed in a different squad's Story Mission extraction if it was completed.
Fixed a timing glitch that caused Players to inadvertently fall from the exfil helicopter and land outside the map boundaries when departing from the Sub Pen.
Closed an exploit that permitted duplication of a Player’s weapon.
Closed an exploit that permitted duplication of scorestreaks.
Fixed a bug with the Mega Abomination where it may not disregard Players in the High Difficulty zone.
Fixed an issue that caused Players to be unable to access the Modern Warfare Zombies menu due to an instance inventory timeout.
Reduced the number of Zombies that spawn at exfil locations to improve stability.
Various stability and map fixes.
The following changes have been made:
- Fixed a problem where weapon names were replaced with placeholder text upon completing a camo unlock challenge in the After Action Report (AAR).
Battle Pass:
- Resolved an issue that was causing Players to not earn Battle Pass XP in Modern Warfare Zombies.
Camo ChallengesWeaponsFR 5.56An issue with the Digital Wildwood camo completion criteria has been corrected.
Completionist CamosGolden Enigma (MW3) & Golden Ivory (MW2) UpdateA fix has been released that allows Players to complete the Golden Enigma and Golden Ivory Completionist Camos using weapons without blueprints.
Editor's P/S
The Modern Warfare 3 update on November 17th brought significant improvements to the game, particularly in the areas of movement and Zombies mode. The developers listened to player feedback and decreased the Tac Sprint refresh delay after sliding by 75% and the sprint delay after sliding by 53%. This will make movement smoother and less aggressive, giving players more options in combat.
The update also addressed several issues in the Zombies mode, including a fix for the bug that allowed players to duplicate weapons and scorestreaks. The exfil sites now have a decreased number of zombies, which will improve stability and prevent lag caused by excessive enemy spawns. This change might not be welcomed by players who were intentionally killing zombies at the exfil locations, but it will make the game more balanced for everyone else.
Overall, the Modern Warfare 3 update on November 17th was a positive step forward for the game. The improvements to movement and Zombies mode will make the game more enjoyable for players, and the bug fixes will help to improve stability and balance.