Miraculous Journey: How an 11-year-old defied all odds in pursuit of his NFL dreams

Miraculous Journey: How an 11-year-old defied all odds in pursuit of his NFL dreams

Tragic loss of 11-year-old De'Evan McFall, whose bright dreams of NFL stardom were shattered by a stray bullet Heartbreaking statistics reveal that over 1,300 children and teens have fallen victim to gun violence in the US this year alone

11-year-old DeEvan McFall had dreams of making it to the NFL or NBA.

Everyone in the league knew about his exceptional talent – he was that good. Even rival teams were well aware of him and attempted to entice him to join their ranks. According to Byron Sanders, who coached the DeSoto Colts, DeEvans, a tall fifth-grader with an abundance of energy and innate athleticism, had only just started to harness his skills and transform into a remarkable player within the league.

The coach believes that DeEvan had the potential to become much more than a legendary figure in the youth league if given the opportunity. However, on January 15, DeEvan tragically lost his life when he was struck by a stray bullet that was fired by a teenage girl involved in a fight with another girl, as reported by the Dallas police. DeEvan's mother, Vashunte Settles, states that the girl who fired the gun had been engaged in a confrontation with DeEvan's sister. The police have charged a 14-year-old girl with murder in connection to this incident.

More about De'Evan McFall

Died January 15 at age 11.

Captain of his youth football team.

Two siblings, ages 13 and 15.

Favorite rappers: NBA YoungBoy and NLE Choppa.

Killed by a stray bullet during fight between teenage girls, police said.

Police reported that a murder charge was filed against a 14-year-old girl for the shooting incident. Within a matter of seconds, Settles joined the growing number of parents who have tragically lost their children to gun violence this year. Shockingly, the Gun Violence Archive reveals that over 1,300 children and teenagers have already been fatally shot in the United States in 2023. These alarming statistics highlight firearms as the leading cause of death for children and teenagers in the country since 2020.

Settles has launched a GoFundMe campaign to provide financial assistance to her family and help cover the funeral costs for DeEvan.

DeEvan, a vibrant and friendly child, was filled with energy that he channeled into his love for rapping and playing sports. Following his untimely passing, Settles received numerous basketballs and footballs adorned with heartfelt signatures from DeEvans fifth-grade peers and friends, who were charmed by his playful nature.

"He was a compassionate child in every way," Settles expressed. "Even in the most unfavorable situations, he always exhibited love."

DeEvan and his family encountered numerous obstacles, such as homelessness and his struggle with ADHD, which made concentrating in school extremely challenging, as mentioned by Settles. However, DeEvan remarkably confronted these challenges with unwavering determination and resourcefulness.

DeEvan's mother mentioned that when he became aware of the financial burden of the expensive athletics fees necessary to join local teams, he took the initiative to communicate with the coaches. Remarkably, almost all of them either waived the fees or helped him secure a scholarship to participate. "He was a part of multiple teams, and they were extremely fond of him," Settles added. "They were even willing to cover his expenses because they recognized his exceptional talent."

Miraculous Journey: How an 11-year-old defied all odds in pursuit of his NFL dreams

Basketball was one of De'Evan's loves.

Courtesy Vashunte Settles

Sanders was one of those coaches who saw DeEvans promise.

DeEvan, after receiving a scholarship, joined the DeSoto Colts and was later appointed as team captain. His relationships with coaches and teammates grew stronger as they spent extensive time together both on and off the field. According to the coach, this built-in support system provided him with a "safety net" against the challenges he encountered elsewhere.

Sanders reminisced about the hours DeEvan would spend swimming, eating, or playing video games with his teammates, highlighting how he was given the opportunity to enjoy his childhood.

"The other kids looked up to him," Sanders said. "He was more vocal. He spoke his mind. Hed motivate the other kids."

Read other profiles of children whove died from gun violence

DeEvan's versatility on the field was unquestionable. He skillfully played multiple positions such as running back, quarterback, and safety, often competing against older players. Impressively, he even joined the more advanced team at times. Although he possessed innate talent in the sport, DeEvan's determination to excel pushed him further.

Shay Govan, his godmother, highlighted DeEvan's exceptional attitude towards improvement. "Simply pointing out his mistakes was enough. He embraced it, absorbed the feedback, and honed his skills to perfection," she praised.

And for DeEvan, his dream of playing in the NFL or NBA also included being able to provide security for his family, Govan said.

Miraculous Journey: How an 11-year-old defied all odds in pursuit of his NFL dreams

De'Evan (left) and his sister Angela, pictured here as toddlers, brought smiles to each other's faces, their mother said.

Courtesy Vashunte Settles

to help end gun violence:

1. Educate yourself: Take the time to learn about gun laws, statistics on gun violence, and potential solutions. This knowledge will enable you to have informed conversations and advocate for change.

2. Support gun violence prevention organizations: There are numerous charities and nonprofits dedicated to ending gun violence. Consider donating your time, resources, or money to support their initiatives and programs.

3. Contact your elected officials: Reach out to your local, state, and national representatives to express your concerns and urge them to take action on gun control measures. Your voice matters, and contacting officials can help drive policy changes.

4. Promote safe storage practices: If you own firearms, ensure they are securely stored and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals, especially children. Encourage others to do the same and spread awareness about responsible gun ownership.

Together, we can work towards a safer future and reduce the devastating impact of gun violence in our communities.

Off the field, DeEvans' magnetic personality ensured that he never lacked for friends. He would enthusiastically engage in activities such as rapping, filming TikTok dances, and discussing music at any chance he got.

"He's a bit reserved when you first meet him, but once you get to know him, you'll discover his playful and lively side," Govan remarked. "However, it is when you engage in conversations about music or dancing that you truly witness his extraordinary and vibrant personality bursting forth."

According to his mother, DeEvan had a tendency to get heated, but he had a remarkable ability to forgive and apologize quickly. Playground disagreements were easily put behind him, as he was always eager to mend friendships.

"Even the children who would argue with him eventually grew to adore him," Settles recalled. "Even after school ended, they would all still be at the school, playing basketball and football together. He even stood up for other kids. All in all, he was an exceptional child."

Miraculous Journey: How an 11-year-old defied all odds in pursuit of his NFL dreams

De'Evan (left) and his godmother, Shay Govan, were like best friends and bonded over their love of music.

If DeEvan wasn't residing at his mother's residence, he would spend time with Govan, connecting through their shared passion for music and their admiration for NBA YoungBoy and NLE Choppa, both rappers. Govan mentioned that DeEvan insisted she treat him as her own child, declaring, "I'm your son. I have two mothers," she recalled.

According to his mother and godmother, he held onto the people close to him with unwavering love and always made sure to express his care. "He would tell me he loved me daily," Settles shared. "Quite literally, every single day."

According to Sanders, DeEvan actively sought out individuals with a positive outlook on life, purposefully forming a supportive network around himself, even during challenging times. "If you were to give him a poker hand, you wouldn't be able to tell that he had nothing to play. He didn't possess a winning hand. However, he skillfully bluffed and turned it into a favorable situation," the coach explained.

"He made the best out of his life."