Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

The mind-bending enigma of the Upside Down unravels in these 8 mind-blowing theories, revealing unexpected origins, hidden villains, and the true power of our beloved characters in Stranger Things Season 5


The confinement of the Upside Down in Stranger Things season 4 to the year 1983 has sparked several theories proposing that Will bears the responsibility for this peculiar predicament. This inference stems from his harrowing encounter and profound ties to the alternate dimension.

In season 4, Vecna is presented as the primary antagonist, but there are theories suggesting that the true ultimate enemy will be a red dragon named Borys, requiring the defeat of Vecna to confront it.

Formerly known as Henry Creel, Vecna has transformed the Upside Down into a distorted version of Hawkins, driven by a desire to avenge the town that caused him pain. His association with the Upside Down surpasses mere manipulation of its creatures and extends to a much deeper level.

In Stranger Things season 5, the focus will not only be on giving closure to the characters, but also on solving numerous mysteries surrounding the Upside Down. Through this exploration, one or more theories regarding the other dimension can be confirmed. After a much-awaited return in season 4, Stranger Things not only resolved lingering questions from season 3 but also delved deeper into the history of the Upside Down and the manipulator behind the events in Hawkins. Introduced as Henry Creel, a.k.a. 001, this character transformed into the menacing creature known as Vecna, who was responsible for the murders of teenagers in the town. Vecna not only possesses control over the creatures in the Upside Down, but also sheds light on some of the mysteries surrounding this parallel dimension. However, there still remain unanswered questions that must be addressed in season 5. The Upside Down has given rise to various theories, including its origins, the creatures inhabiting it, and how it can be eradicated. Here are some theories that may find validation in Stranger Things season 5.

8 Will Is Responsible For The Upside Down Being Stuck In 1983

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

In Stranger Things season 4, a surprising revelation about the Upside Down emerges - it is not a real-time replica of Hawkins, contrary to popular belief since season 1. Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie find themselves seeking shelter at the Wheelers’ house in the Upside Down during their initial visit in season 4. Nancy observes that her room appears different from its usual state. Upon checking her diary, she discovers that the Upside Down is trapped in 1983, the year Eleven unintentionally opened the gate and Will Byers was abducted by the Demogorgon and taken to this alternate dimension. Specifically, the Upside Down is frozen on November 6, 1983, the very day Will vanished.

Certain theories propose that Will may be the cause behind the Upside Down's entrapment in 1983. This traumatic encounter not only has left him emotionally and psychologically scarred but has also forged a profound connection between him and the other dimension. Will's trauma and the bond he shares with the Upside Down may have immobilized the alternate dimension in that particular time period. Additionally, this situation can be viewed symbolically as a representation of Will's fear of maturing, a struggle he continues to grapple with ever since his return from the Upside Down.

7 Vecna Isn’t The Upside Down’s Real Villain

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

6 Vecna’s Trauma Turned The Upside Down Into A Copy Of Hawkins

In relation to the previous mentioned, Stranger Things season 4 introduced Vecna as the primary antagonist of the show. However, due to the existence of various creatures in the Upside Down, there are theories suggesting that Vecna may not be the true villain. Drawing inspiration from the heavy influence of Dungeons and Dragons in Stranger Things, it has been speculated that the ultimate adversary in the series may be a formidable red dragon named Borys, known as the most powerful antagonist in the game. This theory gains support from Will's artwork, depicting him and his friends combatting a red dragon with three heads, as well as Nancy's visions induced by Vecna, wherein she witnesses a monstrous entity with a gaping mouth. The dragon could potentially serve as the ultimate challenge in Stranger Things, but before reaching it, the defeat of Vecna is essential.

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

Prior to his confinement at Hawkins Lab, Henry Creel endured a challenging existence fraught with resentment and anger, particularly directed towards his own family. His plight took a turn for the worse when he was abducted by Dr. Brenner, becoming the subject of extensive experimentation and assuming the identity of 001. Imprisoned within the confines of Hawkins, Henry/Vecna harbors a profound aversion for the town, leading him to reshape the Upside Down in its likeness, ultimately aspiring to exert his dominion over the very place that inflicted such immense pain upon him. This theory, proposed by a Reddit user, adds an unsettling layer to the already chilling nature of Vecna's actions, as he preserves the lifeless bodies of his victims, all of whom were once inhabitants of Hawkins, within a somber replica of their hometown.

5 The Upside Down Is Not Just Hawkins

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

4 The Upside Down Can Be Used For Time Travel

: The question surrounding the Upside Down revolves around whether it is merely a duplication of Hawkins or if it extends beyond the confines of the town. Numerous theories propose that the Upside Down represents an alternative version of Earth rather than just an alternate Hawkins, prompting curiosity regarding the level of development in the rest of the world within this parallel dimension. Furthermore, the enigma persists regarding whether the remainder of the world is also trapped within the time period of 1983 and whether the monsters differ in various regions worldwide. Should the Upside Down indeed exist as an alternative Earth, the entire planet would face the risk of an invasion from the other dimension and the possibility of monstrous entities crossing over through the opening of a gate.

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

The theory that the Upside Down holds the key to time travel in the Stranger Things universe has been circulating for several seasons. With the other dimension still trapped in 1983, the possibility of accessing the Upside Down at one point in time and emerging in a completely different time, be it past or future, appears more plausible than ever. This potential time travel ability could prove invaluable in the fight against Vecna, as the Hawkins crew might find a means to journey back in time to prevent the opening of the gates, ultimately saving Hawkins from impending doom.

3 The Upside Down Depends On Vecna To Exist (& Vice Versa)

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

2 Will Is The Only One Who Can Destroy The Upside Down

The link between Vecna and the Upside Down may possess a far more profound and inseparable connection than mere Vecna's control over its inhabitants. The very existence of the Upside Down could rely heavily on Vecna, while Vecna, in turn, may require the existence of this alternate dimension to sustain its own life force. Consequently, in order to vanquish Vecna, one would have to eradicate the Upside Down, or vice versa, for abolishing either would result in the annihilation of the other as well.

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

Various theories propose that Will possesses a supernatural connection with Vecna. This connection enables him to sense the presence of the Mind Flayer and the alternate dimension. Additionally, it explains why Will managed to survive his ordeal in the Upside Down during Stranger Things season 1. He is the sole individual known to have endured being trapped in the Upside Down for an extended period. This survival may be attributed to Vecna's desire to preserve Will's life, as Vecna relies on him. According to certain interpretations, Vecna aims to utilize Will as a vessel to cross over into the human world. Will could deceive Vecna into entering his body, employing this opportunity to eradicate the Upside Down. Ultimately, he would sacrifice himself to vanquish Vecna and bring an end to the series.

1 Eleven Created The Upside Down (But Vecna Shaped It)

Mind-Blowing Upside Down Theories Stranger Things Season 5 Will Definitely Confirm

Prior to the release of Stranger Things season 4, numerous speculations circulated regarding the origin of the Upside Down, with certain indiviuals even proposing that Will was responsible for its creation. In season 4, viewers witnessed Eleven inadvertently opening a portal that banished Henry into the Upside Down, consequently triggering Dr. Brenner's extensive experiments and research on this parallel world. Henry found himself in an desolate and contaminated realm characterized by immense mountains, storms, and peculiar creatures. While it remains a possibility that Eleven inadvertently spawned the Upside Down during her confrontation with Henry, it is seemingly Henry who manipulated its appearance to resemble Hawkins, potentially due to trauma or some other motive.