Mind-Blowing Elden Ring Clip Unveils Ingenious Invader Trick to Outsmart Hosts

Mind-Blowing Elden Ring Clip Unveils Ingenious Invader Trick to Outsmart Hosts

Discover the hilarious PvP tactics in Elden Ring! Unleash your inner trickster as players cunningly employ the Mimic Veil to vanish before their foes' eyes Engage in exhilarating battles that will leave you in stitches or awe Don't miss out on this unique twist to the game's intense multiplayer experience!


Elden Ring's Mimic's Veil allows players to disguise themselves as objects in the environment, creating hilarious and unexpected moments in PvP encounters.

A hilarious video showcases a player cleverly fooling unaware hosts by cleverly disguising themselves as iron bars in an elevator. The Elden Ring online community's PvP gameplay is enriched with their humorous and inventive strategies, highlighting their boundless creativity and resourcefulness.

A hilarious clip from Elden Ring showcases a creative use of the Mimic's Veil, a game mechanic that allows players to deceive unsuspecting hosts. In this Action RPG, combat and PvP are both diverse and challenging, and players are always seeking any advantage they can find. The Mimic's Veil grants a brief period of invincibility to invaders upon entering another player's world, adding an element of strategy to the game. Players can utilize various tools like the Mimic's Veil to their advantage, especially in multiplayer scenarios. By using a small amount of FP, players can transform into objects within the game's environment, effectively blending in with the surroundings to trick enemies. This tool not only rewards skilled players but also those who have familiarized themselves with the game world and can recognize deception when they see it.

However, there was a group of Elden Ring hosts who lacked the ability to detect deception. A user named knightrustedarmor shared a video on the Elden Ring subreddit, showcasing their clever trick. In the video, the player cleverly utilizes the Mimic's Veil to disguise themselves as a bent set of iron bars, which seems out of place in their chosen hiding spot: an elevator with straight iron bars. Despite the oddity, the hosts board the elevator and activate it, unknowingly embarking on a longer journey to the lower floor.

Although it appears that the hosts suspect something is amiss, as they glance at the disguised door, it's simply because that's where they intend to exit. Once the elevator reaches the lower level, the player disguised as the iron bars subtly sidesteps, allowing the hosts to exit. The invader refrains from attacking, unlike a different scenario where an Elden Ring player employs the Mimic's Veil to blend in seamlessly, but the invader does operate the elevator in order to return to the higher floor.

For players looking to witness the extent of creativity within Elden Ring, PvP is the ideal avenue. While some engage in PvP combat to gain an advantage, others find joy in crafting unconventional builds, such as ones centered around bubbles. The online Elden Ring community thrives on the ingenuity showcased by countless players who constantly experiment with new and humorous strategies, ultimately amplifying the game's allure. Elden Ring can be experienced on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.