Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

Discover the hidden gems in Secret Invasion episode 4! Uncover the intriguing ties to past MCU chapters, including Nick Fury's 2012 appearance, the Battle of New York, and the mysterious superhuman gene Brace yourself for a thrilling standoff between Priscilla and Fury, while Rhodes takes us back to episode 2 Prepare for mind-blowing nanotech, a shot that echoes The Avengers, and the unexpected appearances of Extremis and Groot abilities Don't miss these electrifying Easter eggs and references!

Beware: This article contains spoilers for Secret Invasion episode 4. The fourth episode of Secret Invasion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe unveils numerous twists that were previously hinted at in the first three episodes. Alongside these revelations, the episode includes several Easter eggs that reference other chapters of the MCU, which audiences won't have to search for like typical comic book Easter eggs.

In episode 4 of Secret Invasion, Nick Fury discovers the shocking truth about certain betrayals in his life. This revelation prompts flashbacks to earlier moments in Nick Fury's life, offering important insights into the MCU's story. Additionally, the episode showcases significant developments for the Skrulls, as Gravik takes a bold step in the rebellion.

2012’s Nick Fury

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

The Battle of New York

The fourth episode of Secret Invasion kicks off with a flashback to 2012. Similar to previous flashbacks, the time marker indicating the transition between scenes is presented in the distinctive style seen in Captain America: Civil War. Utilizing CGI technology, Samuel L. Jackson's appearance is digitally altered to reflect his look in The Avengers, the major MCU event of 2012. Although his appearance is younger, observant fans will notice that the scars visible beneath his eyepatch in the flashback are the same ones he has in Secret Invasion, rather than the spider-web-like scars he had in The Avengers.

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

During the flashback, Fury encounters Varra, now residing in France under the identity of his wife Priscilla. A French newspaper lies on the table before her, bearing a headline pertaining to the Battle of New York. This climactic encounter, originating from The Avengers film, has been referenced in previous Marvel Cinematic Universe reports and newspaper headlines, predominantly within the United States.

Decoding The Superhuman Gene

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

In the episode, the transformation of Varra into Priscilla is revealed along with the revelation that she is a professor. Although it is not stated explicitly, viewers can infer the field she works in based on a book titled Decoding the Superhuman Gene, displayed in her home. This suggests that she is likely in the field of biology.

Interestingly, the individuals with special abilities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are not referred to as superhuman. This is because these powers are either the result of scientific experiments or accidents, such as Captain America or Spider-Man, or they are beings from different planets like Asgardians and Skrulls. The term "superhuman" is more closely associated with characters like the X-Men or Inhumans who possess genetic differences that give rise to their abilities. Therefore, while the audience is only familiar with Ms. Marvel's Kamala Khan whose powers stem from her DNA, there are others who possess similar abilities and are already being studied within the MCU.

Priscilla And Fury’s Standoff

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

During their confrontation, Fury and Priscilla find themselves in a tense situation, each with their guns placed on the table. However, instead of actually shooting at each other, they purposefully miss and share a lighthearted moment. This serves not only as a narrative decision to keep both characters alive and display their mutual concern, but also as a nod to historical duels.

In the past, when gentlemen would engage in a duel, the act of backing down would potentially ruin their reputation. Therefore, they would go through with the motions of the duel, but occasionally choose to fire into the air instead of killing their opponent. This symbolic duel allowed them to avoid fatalities while still upholding their honor. One well-known example of this occurred between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, which is portrayed in the Broadway musical Hamilton. Though Hamilton refused to back down from the duel, he intentionally aimed away from Burr, firing into the sky. In contrast, Burr shot and fatally wounded Hamilton.

Rhodes Calls Back To Episode 2

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

When Fury confronts Rhodes in the Skrull-pretended hotel room, tensions rise as they engage in a conversation while sharing a bottle of alcohol. This dialogue serves as a callback to episode 2 of Secret Invasion, not solely because it involves the same individuals or addresses the importance of unity among Black men in the realms of politics and espionage. However, this time, the dynamic between them has shifted.

Now, it is Fury who offers Rhodes a drink, catching him off guard. Furthermore, Fury possesses more knowledge than Rhodes, indicating a significant change in their roles since episode 2, although they continue to dance around the same information.


Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

During the meeting between Fury and the Skrull posing as Rhodes, there is a reference to another aspect of the MCU. When the Skrull expresses concerns about being poisoned, Fury jokingly mentions the presence of nanotechnology in the alcohol, which isn't entirely false as it contains a liquid tracker.

The introduction of nanotechnology in the MCU traces back to Iron Man 2, where Tony Stark initiates his exploration of innovative methods to store and incorporate his Iron Man suit. Since then, this technology has made multiple appearances in various installments of the MCU, with its most notable showcase in Avengers: Endgame. Here, Tony Stark utilizes his nanotech to fashion his own rendition of Thanos' gauntlet and harness the power of the Infinity Stones.

Fury’s Shot Calls Back To The Avengers

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

In yet another callback to a previous time in the MCU, Fury, Talos, and Gravik's team ambush President Ritson, revealing Fury's hidden weaponry in his car. This mirrors the vehicles he has used in movies like Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

However, Fury's use of a rocket launcher against the helicopters in this sequence is a direct reference to The Avengers, just like the episode's opening. In that movie, Fury utilized the same move when he aimed a rocket launcher at a plane carrying nuclear missiles. Displaying his heroic nature, Fury arrives in the midst of the chaos to once again save the day.

Extremis And Groot Abilities Appear

Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs and Hidden References in Secret Invasion Episode 4

The previous Easter eggs involving Frost Beast, Cull Obsidian, Groot, and Extremis DNA, which were being experimented with by the Skrulls, are finally showing their results. In Episode 3, Gravik utilizes Extremis to heal himself, while G’iah also avoids death by healing herself in this episode. However, there is more to come.

During the confrontation between the Skrulls and the President’s men, Gravik not only relies on human weapons but also reveals his ability to generate and extend tree branches from his limbs, similar to Groot. He showcases this ability in the midst of battle, indicating that he still has two additional powers to display in the remaining two episodes of the series.

New episodes of Secret Invasion are available Wednesdays on Disney Plus.