Mean Girls 2024: The Post-Credits Scene Explained

Mean Girls 2024: The Post-Credits Scene Explained

A deep dive into the post-credits scene of Mean Girls 2024 and its implications for the future of the franchise.


Mean Girls is back with a new, musical update in 2024, and there is a post-credits scene for audiences. 20 years after the original Mean Girls starring Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams came out, 2024 reboots the story of Cady Herron and the Plastics by adding a musical twist inspired by the successful Broadway adaptation. The 2024 Mean Girls cast stars Angourie Rice, Rene\u00e9 Rapp, Auli'i Cravalho, and others. It is mostly the same story audiences experienced before in 2004, although the characters and world have been updated to incorporate more diversity and the song and dance numbers.

Mean Girls 2024 cast poster

Mean Girls 2024 cast poster

While Mean Girls was never intended to be a franchise, the original movie left a lasting imprint on Hollywood and pop culture. The 2024 musical is just the latest attempt to capitalize on the film's popularity. Still, the fact that audiences have a chance to watch Mean Girls again in 2024 means that it often reflects the current state of the movie industry. This ranges from the greater representation included in the film to questions about whether there is a Mean Girls post-credits scene that gives audiences bonus footage or even sets up a sequel.

The Post-Credits Scene: What Happens

It is confirmed that there is a Mean Girls 2024 post-credits scene. Those who stick around until the very end of the credits will be treated to a small extra scene. The wait for Mean Girls' after-credits scene includes more than a typical credits sequence too. The beginning of the credits includes footage of the cast in character at the Spring Fling dance. This provides a chance to show more of the dance and include a bit more of Mean Girls' music. Songs also play over the remainder of the credits before the actual post-credits scene begins.

The actual contents of the Mean Girls end-credits scene are fairly brief, and they might seem familiar for a good reason. The credits scene shows Regina George (Rene\u00e9 Rapp) and Karen Shetty (Avantika Vandanapu) in Regina's room as they begin walking directly toward the camera. Regina says, 'You're next. You could be really hot if we changed, like, everything.' The scene is seemingly pulled from the first time Cady goes to Regina's house, as Regina and Karen are wearing the same clothes in that scene as in the post-credits. It was even featured in the first Mean Girls trailer.

Regina and Karen surprised in Mean Girls 2024

Regina and Karen surprised in Mean Girls 2024

This makes the Mean Girls post-credits scene play more as a random bonus tag than something that sets up a continuation of the story. Regina saying 'You're next' could be viewed as a potential tease that she's found someone else to transform, like what happened with Cady. However, that would seemingly go against the movie's ending and ultimate message, indicating that Regina is still the queen bee and that Karen still follows her. It is more likely that the Mean Girls end-credits scene is meant to be a meta way for Regina to talk to any remaining audience members than an indication that a sequel is happening.

Implications and Speculations

The post-credits scene of Mean Girls 2024 raises interesting implications and speculations about the future of the franchise. It leaves audiences with questions about the direction the story could take and whether there might be a sequel in the works. The scene featuring Regina George and Karen Shetty hints at a potential continuation of Regina's manipulative behavior, but it also challenges the idea of growth and change that the original movie concluded with.

While the post-credits scene may not set up a direct sequel, it does open up possibilities for exploring the characters' stories further. It also adds a layer of meta-commentary on the nature of post-credits scenes in movies and their impact on audience expectations. The post-credits scene of Mean Girls 2024 serves as a clever nod to the film's legacy and a playful interaction with the audience's anticipation for more content.