Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success

Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success

Discover how your everyday seasonal tasks can contribute to your fitness goals Learn how to accurately measure calorie burn, prevent injuries, and optimize the benefits of fall chores

Dana Santas, also known as the "Mobility Maker," is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and mind-body coach in professional sports. She is the author of the book "Practical Solutions for Back Pain Relief."

With the changing seasons, there are also changes in your indoor and outdoor tasks, particularly if you reside in a region with four distinct seasons. For individuals in the northern United States, the arrival of autumn typically entails activities such as leaf raking, storing away summer attire, and retrieving coats and other winter clothing from storage.

Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success

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5 simple habits to incorporate into your daily routine for a healthier lifestyle

Irrespective of the weather, numerous individuals engage in decorating their homes and surroundings during the fall season and upcoming festivities. This involves retrieving stored decorations and dedicating time towards embellishing, forming part of the seasonal plans for many people.

Many people are unaware that seasonal chores are actually effective exercises that can burn more calories than certain traditional fitness activities. Believe it or not, raking leaves for an hour can burn more calories than both a brisk walk and a weight training session.

Furthermore, since seasonal chores such as raking are classified as moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercises, the time spent on these activities contributes to fulfilling the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

Find out how many calories you burn while doing seasonal chores

Based on the data from the physical activity calorie calculator provided by the American Council on Exercises website, a person weighing 170 pounds (77 kilograms) can burn 308 calories in one hour of yard work, such as raking. In comparison, walking briskly at a pace of 3.5 miles per hour only burns 293 calories for a person of the same weight. If you prefer indoor seasonal chores, one hour of housework burns approximately 231 calories, equivalent to an hour of basic weight training.

Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success

Household chores can be functional exercises that can help you keep your home and body in great shape.

Please note that the calculator provides an estimate of potential caloric burn. However, it is important to consider that these figures are only approximations as your individual metabolism during exercise is influenced by various factors such as age, gender, body composition, fitness level, and intensity of effort. To obtain a more accurate and personalized measurement, it is advisable to use a wearable fitness tracker that incorporates this personal information in its calculation.

To prevent injury and optimize gains, approach household tasks as you would a workout session. Just as you meticulously choose weights and duration at the gym, assess the overall strain on your body in relation to your fitness level and personal capabilities. If, for instance, you typically rely on 10-pound dumbbells for overhead pressing, it would be wise to avoid a sudden switch to 50 pounds, as this could lead to potential harm.

Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success


Don't skip the gym, instead try these 6 body-weight exercises in the comfort of your own home.

Regrettably, many individuals fail to adopt this mindset when carrying out seasonal tasks. Instead of viewing the task as something that must simply be completed, it is important to consider personal limitations, properly prepare the body for the task's demands, and maintain awareness of proper form and other factors during the execution of the chore. Neglecting these aspects can result in potential injuries.

To maximize your fitness benefits and lower your risk of injury, follow the tips below:

Warm up

while performing these exercises and listen to your body's cues. As you warm up, focus on maintaining good posture and engaging your core muscles. Remember to breathe deeply and stay hydrated throughout your workout.

Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success

A proactive, daily-life approach to cultivating a healthy body is the key to keeping back pain at bay, writes Dana Santas.

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These simple daily activities can help ward off back pain

when performing repetitive tasks to prevent muscle imbalances.

To make chores easier to handle

Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success


Attempt this 10-minute workout using only your body weight.

Stay practical when setting goals for yourself. Similar to the previous example of avoiding weights that you know you cannot handle, do not put yourself at risk of injury by attempting impossible tasks. Seek assistance for any heavy lifting that exceeds your capabilities, break down larger tasks into smaller ones, and take breaks whenever necessary.

Stay properly hydrated by keeping in mind that the human body is made up of approximately 60% water. Even when the weather is cooler, we still lose fluids through sweat. It is therefore essential to take regular breaks for water intake while performing tasks and to stay hydrated once you have finished working.

Maximizing Your Seasonal Tasks for Fitness Success

Its important to take water breaks while doing chores and to stay hydrated after you have finished your work.

Kentaroo Tryman/Maskot/Getty Images

Cool down and recover

To minimize any discomfort from engaging in unfamiliar seasonal work, it is important to take care of your body. After completing your chores, take a few moments to stretch and take deep breaths. Additionally, it is essential to prioritize rest and relaxation by giving your body the time it needs to recover. Make sure to rest with your feet up, enjoy a nourishing meal, and ensure you get enough sleep. By adhering to these recommendations, you can fully enjoy the advantages of fall seasonal tasks and prepare your home, yard, and body for the approaching holidays.