Maximize your Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Contraband and Stolen Items in Starfield

Maximize your Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Contraband and Stolen Items in Starfield

Maximize your earnings in Starfield by selling stolen items and contraband Discover the best locations, techniques, and tools to avoid detection and profit from your illicit goods Get ready to navigate the galaxy's black market like a pro!

In Starfield's Settled Systems, possessing contraband items is strictly prohibited. If your ship is scanned upon attempting to land on a planet, any detected contraband will result in a bounty being placed on your head. It's unfortunate, considering the potential wealth these items can bring. Our guide will provide insight on the locations and methods for selling stolen items and contraband in Starfield, enabling you to accumulate more wealth. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of Shielded Cargo modules, which are essential for avoiding scan detection.

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Where to sell stolen items and contraband in Starfield

Differences between stolen items and contraband items

How to sell contraband to the Trade Authority

How to avoid scan detection: Deception skill and Shielded Cargo modules

Where to sell stolen items and contraband in Starfield

Looking to sell stolen items and contraband in Starfield? You'll need to head over to the Trade Authority building on a planet or ship, such as The Key, a Crimson Fleet ship located on planet Neon or in New Atlantis. But beware, it's not as simple as it sounds. Let our guide fill you in on the details.

Maximize your Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Contraband and Stolen Items in Starfield

Keep an eye out for scans when traveling to a planet under faction control.

Differences between stolen items and contraband items

Here's a brief overview of what you need to know about these particular items:

Stolen items are indicated by a red icon and are typically encountered when you acquire items in restricted areas or establishments owned by non-player characters (NPCs).

On the other hand, contraband items are distinguished by a yellow icon. These can be discovered in sizeable contraband chests or aboard ships. In the case of the latter, they are typically located in the cockpit or cargo hold terminal of pirate or mercenary vessels.

When you venture into the orbit of a planet under the jurisdiction of the United Colonies or Freestar Collective, scans are performed. These scans are aimed solely at detecting contraband aboard your ship, without any focus on stolen goods. In the event of detection, you will be subject to a bounty and required to relinquish both types of items.

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Maximize your Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Contraband and Stolen Items in Starfield

Contraband items can be discovered near or inside the cockpit of mercenary vessels.

How to sell contraband to the Trade Authority

Trade Authority establishments can be found in various locations such as the Crimson Fleet ship called The Key in planet Neon or in New Atlantis. These buildings are also present in most major hubs across the game, including Mars and Akila. You can easily spot them due to their distinctive bright yellow signboards. To access the ship's inventory, where contraband is stored, simply interact with a Trade Authority vendor and press the corresponding button. This allows you to directly sell the contraband and any stolen items from your ship, eliminating the need to carry loot with you.

How to avoid scan detection: Deception skill and Shielded Cargo modules

: Avoiding Scan Detection for Starfield Contraband

One can also come across a Trade Authority Ship while exploring, where docking becomes possible. If this ship is located in a system not controlled by any faction, then there is no need to undergo any further scans. Additionally, the Crimson Fleet possesses its own space station housing a Trade Authority vendor, who also refrains from conducting scans.

How to avoid scan detection: Deception skill and Shielded Cargo modules

There are two methods to evade detection through scans when dealing with Starfield contraband:

Deception skill - It is not advisable to invest points in this skill as it decreases the effectiveness of contraband scans. Instead, it is recommended to allocate points to the top skills in the game.

Shielded Cargo modules - The most optimal approach is to acquire these modules for purchase. However, it is necessary to join the Crimson Fleet beforehand.

Once you become a member of the Crimson Fleet, a visit to The Key, a space station located in the Kryx system, becomes necessary. Shortly after your arrival, you will be introduced to Jasmine, the ship vendor. It is essential to browse through her selection and look for modules that bear the title "Shielded Cargo Hold". These modules need to be attached to your own ship in order to acquire the desired effect.

Maximize your Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Contraband and Stolen Items in Starfield

It is crucial to take note of the term "Shielded Cargo" when making purchases from the Crimson Fleet. Moreover, there is a possibility of encountering ships that already possess Shielded Cargo modules. If you happen to board and take control of mercenary vessels, there is a chance that the spacecraft itself is equipped with this module. Alternatively, the legendary Mantis ship is available for acquisition, and it too comes equipped with a Shielded Cargo module.

Please be aware that the detection percentage is an approximate calculation that depends on the total weight of contraband items present on your ship. Typically, we have observed this percentage to be around 59%. Consequently, there have been instances where we had to reload our saved game multiple times due to unfavorable results from the scans.

To sum up, this is all the information you need regarding Starfield contraband and stolen items. If you wish to expand your knowledge, we recommend referring to our comprehensive guides on ship upgrades and modifications, as well as ship cargo.

Starfield is a massive game with numerous planets to explore. For other tips and tactics, you can visit our guides hub.