Mastering the Sacred Horn: The Quest for Envoy's Long Horn in Elden Ring

Mastering the Sacred Horn: The Quest for Envoy's Long Horn in Elden Ring

Embark on a perilous journey in Elden Ring to obtain the legendary Envoy's Long Horn, a weapon of immense power. Discover the secrets and challenges that await as you strive to wield this mighty hammer and unleash its devastating skill upon your enemies.


As players traverse the mesmerizing realm of the Lands Between in Elden Ring, they will encounter a myriad of weapons to aid them in their perilous journey. Among the vast arsenal of options lies a true masterpiece, the Envoy's Long Horn. Renowned for its unparalleled strength and formidable skill, this hammer is coveted by warriors and feared by foes. In this guide, we will delve into the arduous quest required to acquire this legendary weapon and uncover its hidden potential.

Elden Ring two character are fighting

The Hunt Begins

To obtain the Envoy's Long Horn, one must first face the daunting challenge of the Large Oracle Envoy. This formidable adversary possesses a 4% drop rate for the coveted weapon, making the quest both treacherous and time-consuming. The Large Oracle Envoys can be found in two distinct locations within the realm of Elden Ring.

Leyndell, Royal Capital

The first location lies within the grand city of Leyndell, Royal Capital. Begin your journey by teleporting to the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace. From there, venture southward, braving the perils that lie in wait. Along the way, Oracle Envoy adversaries will attempt to impede your progress, but pay them no mind. Focus solely on locating the Large Oracle Envoy, the guardian of the Envoy's Long Horn.

Elden Ring Leyndell, Royal Capital

Miquella's Haligtree

The second location can be found nestled within the ancient forest of Miquella's Haligtree. Swiftly travel to the southernmost Site of Grace known as Haligtree Canopy. As you traverse the intertwining branches, keep a vigilant eye for the Large Oracle Envoy. Only through their defeat can the Envoy's Long Horn be claimed as your own.

Miquella's Haligtree Elden Ring

The Trials of Patience

Beware, brave adventurers, for the path to obtaining the Envoy's Long Horn is fraught with uncertainty and perseverance. Many warriors have spent hours locked in battle, tirelessly slaying the Large Oracle Envoys in search of their coveted prize. Patience and determination are key in this arduous endeavor, but the rewards will be well worth the toil.

Unleashing the Power

As you finally grasp the Envoy's Long Horn in your hands, the true potential of this mighty weapon begins to reveal itself. Scaling from Strength (D), Dexterity (D), and Faith (C), the hammer's power increases exponentially as it undergoes upgrades. To effectively wield this weapon, ensure that your Strength is at least 23, Dexterity is at least 11, and Faith is at least 18.

Envoy's Long Horn in Elden Ring

When the time comes to unleash its devastating might, blow the horn with a cost of 16 FP. A cascade of mystical bubbles will surge forth, dealing Holy damage to your adversaries. Should all the bubbles find their mark, a staggering 92 damage will be inflicted upon your foes. To further augment your prowess, equip the Envoy Crown, enhancing bubble attack damage by an additional 15%.

Embrace the Power

Armed with the Envoy's Long Horn, you hold the key to vanquishing even the most formidable of foes in Elden Ring. This legendary weapon will become your most trusted companion, aiding you in your quest for glory and triumph. Embrace its power, wield it with skill, and let the echoes of your enemies' defeat resound throughout the Lands Between.

Elden Ring two character are fighting


In conclusion, the quest for the Envoy's Long Horn in Elden Ring is a true test of courage and perseverance. The journey to obtain this legendary weapon is not for the faint of heart, but the rewards are immeasurable. As you embark on this epic adventure, may your blows strike true and your enemies tremble before the might of the sacred horn.