Mastering the Art of Stealth in Elden Ring: Obtaining and Using the Assassin's Gambit Skill

Mastering the Art of Stealth in Elden Ring: Obtaining and Using the Assassin's Gambit Skill

A comprehensive guide on acquiring and utilizing the Assassin's Gambit skill in Elden Ring, enhancing the stealth capabilities of players and aiding them in their quest to become the Elden Lord.


Embark on a journey through the treacherous Lands Between in Elden Ring, where the pursuit of the Elden Lord title demands strategic cunning and skillful evasion. The realm is fraught with formidable adversaries and daunting challenges, making stealth a vital asset for traversing the perilous landscapes. Among the myriad options for stealth, the Ash of War: Assassin's Gambit stands out as a potent tool for remaining undetected by the denizens of the realm. This guide offers a detailed walkthrough on procuring the elusive Assassin's Gambit skill and harnessing its clandestine power to outmaneuver adversaries and reach the formidable bosses unscathed.

Elden Ring Bernahl's skill shop

Elden Ring Bernahl's skill shop

Acquiring Assassin’s Gambit

To obtain the coveted Assassin’s Gambit skill in Elden Ring, players must seek out the elusive Recusant Bernahl, the purveyor of clandestine skills. Initially located in the enigmatic Volcano Manor, Bernahl offers the Assassin’s Gambit skill to those who pledge their allegiance to the manor and undertake the first assassination request. This journey commences by venturing to Mt. Gelmir in the far west of Altus Plateau, where the path to Volcano Manor awaits. However, a shortcut to this clandestine haven can be unlocked through aiding Rya in Liurnia of the Lakes. The quest to join Volcano Manor unfolds as the Tarnished navigate a series of tasks and encounters, ultimately culminating in the acquisition of the Assassin’s Gambit skill from the enigmatic Bernahl.

Elden Ring Volcano Manor invitation given by Rya

Elden Ring Volcano Manor invitation given by Rya

Utilizing the Assassin’s Gambit

Once in possession of the elusive Assassin’s Gambit skill, players can augment their arsenal of weapons with this invaluable asset. By visiting Smithing Master Hewg or resting at a grace site, the Tarnished can imbue their daggers, straight swords, katanas, thrusting swords, and twinblades with the elusive skill. Activating the Assassin’s Gambit skill allows players to become temporarily invisible, evading the notice of adversaries and facilitating seamless infiltration. However, it is essential to exercise caution, as certain formidable foes may remain impervious to this clandestine art. For a complete stealth setup, players can also consider acquiring the Black Knife set from Ordina, Liturgical Town, and the Concealing Veil talisman from Sage’s Cave to complement the Assassin’s Gambit.

Elden Ring Bernahl in Volcano Manor

Elden Ring Bernahl in Volcano Manor