Mastering the Art of Charger Takedowns in Helldivers 2

Mastering the Art of Charger Takedowns in Helldivers 2

Discover the unconventional method to defeat Chargers and unlock the Caught Them by Supplies trophy and achievement in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 is a thrilling game filled with challenging enemies that push players to their limits. Among these formidable foes, Chargers stand out as a particularly tough nut to crack. But fear not, brave soldier! In this guide, we will reveal the secret technique to take down Chargers and claim the prestigious Caught Them by Supplies trophy and achievement.

Unlocking the Caught Them by Supplies Trophy & Achievement in Helldivers 2

As you progress through Helldivers 2, the difficulty ramps up, introducing new toys to the enemy arsenal. Chargers, with their powerful attacks and armored exterior, can be a nightmare to deal with. However, instead of relying on conventional methods, the Caught Them by Supplies trophy and achievement require a more specific approach.

To unlock this trophy, you must deliver the killing blow to a Charger using a Resupply pod. This Stratagem, familiar to all seasoned players, drops a pod filled with essential supplies like ammo, stimpacks, and grenades. Transforming it into a weapon might seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategy, you can achieve the impossible.

First and foremost, preparation is key. Before attempting this daring feat, make sure your loadout includes anti-armor weaponry to inflict maximum damage on the Charger's weak point. This weak point is only exposed at the back, so you'll need to be strategic and take risks to land your shots.

If you're playing solo, the challenge becomes even greater. However, it's not impossible. Clear the area of surrounding enemies, isolating the Charger. Then, use your agility to circle around it and unleash your firepower on its vulnerable spot. As the Charger starts to weaken, an opportunity will arise.

This is where the A/M-23 EMS Mortar Sentry comes into play. Deploy it strategically to create a static field that stuns enemies, making it easier to call down a Resupply pod directly on the Charger. Aim for the ground beneath its belly, ensuring a precise drop.

Be prepared for multiple attempts before achieving success. Chargers are formidable adversaries, and taking them down with a Resupply pod requires precision and persistence. But once you land that killing blow, you will be rewarded with the Let's Call it a Draw trophy and achievement.

Mastering the art of Charger takedowns is no easy task, but the satisfaction of achieving this feat is immeasurable. So gear up, soldier, and show those Chargers who's the boss in Helldivers 2!