Mastering Tales of Symphonia: The Ultimate Guide to Grade Farming

Maximize your gameplay in Tales of Symphonia with Grade Points Learn how to efficiently earn them and unlock useful benefits in the Grade Shop Up your game with our guide
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A Guide To Earning Grade Points And Using The Grade Shop in Tales of SymphoniaTales of Symphonia offers various systems to enhance the gameplay experience and improve the characters. Apart from earning experience points and Gald, players can also acquire Grade points.
Players can utilize Grade points to their advantage only after completing the game and starting in New Game Plus mode. The number of Grade points earned by the party determines the bonuses that can be purchased to make the game easier. These bonuses include inheriting EX Skills or opting for a challenge by starting Tales of Symphonia with minimum health.
In Tales of Symphonia, players can earn Grade Points based on their performance in battle. The game rewards the party for taking minimal damage, defeating enemies quickly, and using Tech skills efficiently. However, players must also be cautious as taking excessive damage, overusing Tech skills, or dragging out battles can lead to a negative impact on their Grade Points. It is crucial for players to strategize and aim for quick and efficient battles to earn the highest Grade Points possible.
Farming Grade Points
Traveling to the first village and engaging in battles with weaker monsters is a viable strategy for earning Grade Points in Tales of Symphonia. While this method may not yield much experience, it offers a higher reward in terms of Grade Points. With the ability to freely roam the map, the party can quickly dispose of these weaker foes and rack up Grade Points for future use.
With Tales of Symphonia's New Game Plus mode, players can enjoy a fresh playthrough of the game with added bonuses that they have earned from their previous run. However, to access these perks, players must accumulate Grade Points through battles and purchase them before restarting the game. This feature adds a new level of excitement and strategy to the gameplay, as players must carefully decide which bonuses to invest in for their next playthrough.
Grade Bonuses | Grade Cost | Effect |
400 | EX Skills Carry Over | |
Ex Gems | 600 | EX Gems Carry Over |
Affection | 10 | Relationship levels carry over |
Gald | 1000 | Gald carries over |
Increased Tension | 100 | Increased tension for all characters is carried over |
Memory Circle | 20 | All unlocked Memory Circles carry over |
Recipes | 50 | Unlocked Recipes carry over |
Cooking Ability | 50 | Cooking ability is carried over |
Titles | 1000 | All earned Titles are carried over |
Monster Book | 10 | Monster book information carries over |
Figurines | 10 | Figurines carry over |
Collector's Book | 10 | Collector's Book information carries over |
World Map | 10 | The revealed map carries over |
Mini Games | 10 | Data from the mini-games carries over |
Battle Info | 10 | Battle information is carried over |
Tech | 1000 | All unlocked Tech skills carry over |
Tech Usage | 25 | Tech usage values carry over |
Max HP | 250 | New Game Plus will increase the character's HP by 500 |
Min HP | 10 | Starts New Game Plus with minimum HP |
Combos | 50 | Increases combo value and sets EXP value to 1 |
1/2 EXP | 1000 | Decreases the value of earned EXP by half |
2x EXP | 1000 | Increases the value of earned EXP by two |
10x EXP | 3000 | Increases the value of earned EXP by ten |
Grade | 100 | Increases the number of Grade Points earned in battle |
Tales of Symphonia Remastered is available now for the PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.