Mastering Elden Ring: Acquiring the Ritual Shield Talisman

Mastering Elden Ring: Acquiring the Ritual Shield Talisman

Struggling against formidable bosses in Elden Ring? Enhance your defense with the Ritual Shield talisman. Discover the steps to obtain this powerful asset for your journey.

In the Soulsborne community, players have always focused on improving their attacking skills, and this is no different in FromSoft’s popular open-world game, Elden Ring. There are many powerful weapons, stylish armor sets, and unique talismans to aid players in their journey through The Lands Between. While it's possible to create a build that can defeat bosses in one hit, this may not be effective for new players or in more challenging game cycles.

To address this, Elden Ring offers various ways to increase defensive stats for players. By equipping armor like the Bull-Goat set, consuming items like Boiled Crab, and using defense talismans such as Dragoncrest Greatshield and Ritual Shield, players can boost their damage resistance. While wearing the Bull-Goat armor set requires a significant Stamina investment, equipping a defense talisman only takes up one talisman slot.

The Ritual Shield talisman in Elden Ring is known for providing the best damage reduction when your character is at maximum health. If you find yourself being defeated in one hit by enemies and don't want to invest more stat points into Vigor, then the Ritual Shield talisman is the perfect choice for you. This talisman can reduce incoming damage by 30%, but only when your health bar is full. The good news is that you can obtain this powerful talisman by accessing Leyndell. Here's how you can find the Ritual Shield talisman location in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring - Ritual Shield location - Elden Ring: Ritual Shield Talisman Location

Elden Ring - Ritual Shield location - Elden Ring: Ritual Shield Talisman Location

In Leyndell, Royal Capital, players can discover the Ritual Shield talisman on a corpse right outside the colosseum. To locate it, head to the West Capital Rampart site of grace and travel south. Follow the path under the massive branches until you reach a bridge that leads to the colosseum. Proceed uphill to reach the entrance of the colosseum. Along the way, be cautious of a patrolling Duelist on the path and another Duelist guarding the corpse holding the Ritual Shield talisman near the colosseum entrance.

If you are new to Leyndell, you may not have discovered the West Capital Rampart grace site yet. To reach the West Capital Rampart, players need to first visit the East Capital Rampart grace site, which is the initial one in Leyndell. After leaving the East Capital Rampart through the southwest exit, follow the pathway with Envoys. You can either pass through buildings or jump down the roofs on the right to reach Leyndell's main street.

As you walk southwest on the main street, watch out for an Erdtree Avatar enemy dropping down from the sky. Just ahead and to the right of the Erdtree Avatar, you will find the Avenue Balcony grace site. From there, descend the stairs and continue in the same direction to reach the dead ancient dragon Gransax's wing. Be cautious of the Leyndell Knights you may encounter along the way.

Elden Ring - Ritual Shield talisman - After climbing the wings, start heading south to find a ladder

Elden Ring - Ritual Shield talisman - After climbing the wings, start heading south to find a ladder

Once you've reached the top of the wings, make your way south until you come across a ladder. Climb up the ladder and carefully pass by the Leyndell Knight and a sneaky Leyndell Soldier. Keep going until you reach the West Capital Rampart site of grace. From there, head south again and you'll spot the towering colosseum on a hill. Scale the hill to discover a corpse holding the Ritual Shield talisman right in front of the colosseum's entrance.

Editor's P/S:

This article provides a comprehensive guide to finding the Ritual Shield talisman in Elden Ring. It offers clear instructions on how to navigate Leyndell, Royal Capital, and the West Capital Rampart to locate the talisman's specific location. The article also includes helpful tips on how to avoid potential obstacles and enemies along the way. Overall, it is a well-written and informative piece that should be of great assistance to players seeking to enhance their defensive capabilities in Elden Ring.

Additionally, the article highlights the importance of defense in the Soulsborne community, acknowledging that while offensive prowess is often prioritized, defensive strategies can be equally crucial for success. By explaining the various ways to boost damage resistance, including equipping armor, consuming items, and using defense talismans, the article empowers players with a range of options to tailor their defensive builds to their specific needs and preferences.