Master the Art of Golem Summoning as a Necromancer in Diablo 4

Unleash your dark powers in Diablo 4 as a Necromancer and summon your very own Golem! Follow our step-by-step guide to unlock this unholy abomination and wreak havoc on your enemies Get ready to dominate the battlefield with your powerful undead ally
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Unleash the Power of the Necromancer: How to Summon a Golem in Diablo IVDiablo IV has brought back some of the most beloved classes from the franchise's history to fight against the forces of Hell once again. The Necromancer, a fan-favorite class, is one of the strongest classes available at launch. With their arsenal of unholy magic, the Necromancer can raise the dead, hurl bones, and even explode corpses. But what sets them apart is their ability to summon a powerful Golem to fight by their side. In this walkthrough, we'll show you how to unleash the power of the Necromancer and summon a Golem to aid you in battle.
When Can the Necromancer Get a Golem in Diablo IV?
Necromancers possess a sinister power that allows them to raise a formidable golem minion to fight for them. This massive creature roams the battlefield like an unstoppable force, diverting the attention of adversaries while boasting an impressive amount of health. To acquire this unholy ally in Diablo 4, players must complete a series of tasks. This comprehensive guide will explain these steps thoroughly, detailing how players can summon their brand new golem once it has been unlocked.
To unlock the Golem ability, players must attain Level 25 with their Necromancer class and fulfill the requirements of a brief quest known as “Necromancer: Call of the Underworld.”
Necromancer: Call of the Underworld Walkthrough
To obtain the Golem skill, players must embark on a quest in the Sarkova Pass region of Fractured Peaks. They can do so by communicating with a statue at a specific location. The ghost of Maltorius, a man who once lived in the area, will appear and task the player with collecting 12 Unbroken Bones to construct their golem. The bones can be obtained by defeating nearby enemies.
The completion of Unbroken Bones leads to Maltorius assigning the player a new task of obtaining a vile artifact located in the Bitter Cave. The entrance to the said cave is conveniently situated a short distance towards the south.
The dungeon known as the Bitter Cave is a rather straightforward one, featuring a solitary hallway and a moderate-sized chamber that is home to a significant artifact known as the Jar of Souls. Upon interacting with the jar, the player will quickly find themselves besieged by waves of adversaries, and must fend them off until enough souls are captured to fill the container. Once this task is accomplished, Maltorius will materialize and guide the player through a unique ritual that ultimately leads to the unlocking of the Golem skill.
How to Summon the Golem
The process of summoning a golem in Diablo IV mirrors that of raising the dead. To activate this powerful ally, players must assign the Golem skill to their action bar. Once this skill is activated, the golem will remain active and ready to assist.
By activating the Golem skill while the golem is already active, players can make it Unstoppable, causing it to taunt nearby enemies and take reduced damage for a short period of time. This ability proves particularly useful for drawing enemies away from the Necromancer and their skeletons.
Diablo 4 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.