Marvel Theory: Odin's Quest for the Infinity Stones Before Thanos

Marvel Theory: Odin's Quest for the Infinity Stones Before Thanos

Exploring the evidence that suggests Odin was seeking the MCU Infinity Stones long before Thanos and the reasons behind his pursuit.

Odin's Quest for Power

Following the events of Thor: Ragnarok, there is compelling evidence to suggest that Odin, the King of Asgard, was on a quest to obtain the MCU Infinity Stones long before Thanos.

Odin and Hela Painting in Thor Ragnarok

Odin and Hela Painting in Thor Ragnarok

As an Asgardian, Odin had lived for several millennia before facing his mortality in Thor: Ragnarok, revealing a long history and a potential quest for the most powerful artifacts in the MCU.

Odin looking at his sons before his death in Thor: Ragnarok

Odin looking at his sons before his death in Thor: Ragnarok

Odin's morally gray and ruthless nature raises questions about his intentions with the Infinity Stones. While he may not have committed mass genocide like Thanos, his pursuit of the Stones hints at a darker purpose.

Thor Ragnarok Throne Room Ceiling

Thor Ragnarok Throne Room Ceiling

Odin's Conquest of the Nine Realms

Thor: Ragnarok revealed Odin's bloodthirsty nature in his younger days, as he sought stability through force rather than peace in the Nine Realms.

A painting of Hela and Fenris in Thor: Ragnarok

A painting of Hela and Fenris in Thor: Ragnarok

His quest for a weapon unlike any other in his arsenal and his willingness to unleash Hela on the Nine Realms indicate the extent of power he was willing to wield to establish his Asgardian Empire.

Hela (Cate Blanchette) faces the Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok

Hela (Cate Blanchette) faces the Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok

Burying evidence of his war alongside Hela shows how his blood lust weighed heavily on him, leading to a regretful period in his life.

Odin (Anthony Hopkins) looks out to the ocean before his death in Thor Ragnarok

Odin (Anthony Hopkins) looks out to the ocean before his death in Thor Ragnarok

The Mystery of Odin's Fake Gauntlet

The presence of a fake Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's vault raises questions about his knowledge of the Stones and his failed hunt for the collection.

Thor Ragnarok Hela (Cate Blanchette) pushed the Fake Infinity Gauntlet off of a pedestal

Thor Ragnarok Hela (Cate Blanchette) pushed the Fake Infinity Gauntlet off of a pedestal

Hela's certainty about the Gauntlet being a fake suggests that Odin tried and failed to accumulate the Stones himself, and the Gauntlet itself was commissioned by him.

Eitri (Peter Dinklage) looks into the forge as he creates Stormbreaker in Avengers: infinity War

Eitri (Peter Dinklage) looks into the forge as he creates Stormbreaker in Avengers: infinity War

The fake Gauntlet gives rise to a plot hole in the MCU, which can be explained by Odin's earlier hunt for the Infinity Stones and his plans for the Gauntlet.