Marvel Studios and Disney VFX Artists Unite in Historic Unionization Vote

Marvel Studios and Disney VFX Artists Unite in Historic Unionization Vote

Disney VFX artists make history by unanimously voting to join the Marvel workers in unionizing, marking a groundbreaking moment in Hollywood's evolving landscape


Disney VFX artists have voted to join the newly formed VFX branch of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) union.

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The unionization of Disney VFX workers marks progress in the ongoing fight for equitable payment and safeguards in Hollywood. Workers from different industries are asserting their rights and confronting unacceptable working conditions, underscoring the need for studio-wide standards for all VFX employees.

Disney VFX artists have recently made the decision to unionize, aligning themselves with Marvel workers in a show of solidarity. The entertainment industry has experienced unprecedented changes this year, with workers advocating for fair compensation. Notably, the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes have disrupted production on various film and television projects.

According to Variety, Disney VFX artists have united with Marvel workers to form a branch within the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). Out of the 18 eligible Walt Disney VFX employees, 13 voted in favor of joining the union, with no opposition. VFX Senior Coordinator Mark Robinson's statement can be found below.

The VFX Union Is Significant In Hollywood’s History & Current Moment

We have long desired the same level of protections as our peers, but the prospects seemed bleak. The road to victory in this election was arduous, but I am honored to declare that it has been achieved by every VFX worker who yearns for a sustainable and promising future.

Marvel Studios and Disney VFX Artists Unite in Historic Unionization Vote

IATSE’s VFX branch recently formed when Marvel employees voted unanimously to join the union last month. This unionization is a significant milestone in the VFX industry, as it is the first time in its history (dating back to the 1970s) that VFX workers have become unionized. By joining the union, Marvel and now Disney VFX workers will receive the same protections as other union members, addressing the long-standing concerns about overworking and mistreatment in the industry.

Marvel and Disney employees are likely to be the initial VFX workers to join IATSE, but efforts are underway to incorporate all VFX workers from various studios into the union. Mark Patch, the IATSE VFX coordinator, emphasizes the importance of extending union standards to all VFX workers. If successful, IATSE has the potential to significantly improve the working conditions of VFX workers, who previously experienced instability.

This development aligns with the ongoing push for fair compensation systems in Hollywood. Through strikes and collective action, individuals from various sectors within the entertainment industry, including actors, writers, and VFX artists, are asserting their rights and initiating positive changes. By joining IATSE, Disney's VFX workers are taking a step in the right direction toward achieving fair pay and safeguards.

Source: Variety