Marketing - Basic & Advance Theory, Concepts, Case studies, News - Trang 160
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Created date 18/03/2022
What is CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)? Job Description of the CMO position. Analyze the role of the CMO in a business. Qualities required of a good CMO.
Created date 17/03/2022
What are customers? Major types of customers in Marketing. The role of customers for businesses in general and marketing activities in particular.
Created date 17/03/2022
What is Startup? Difference between Startup vs SME. Things needed to be consider before startup. Steps to a successful Startup.
Created date 17/03/2022
What does customer satisfaction (often abbreviated as CSAT) in the documents mean? Conceptual analysis and Role of Customer satisfaction in Marketing.
Created date 17/03/2022
What is Brand Equity? Elements that make up Brand Equity. Characteristics, role & meaning of Brand Equity for marketing activities of enterprises.
Created date 16/03/2022
What are consumers? What is consumer behavior? How to distinguish between consumers and customers?
Created date 16/03/2022
The article reviews the factors that bring success to Netflix from its founding to now, focusing on analyzing the marketing research capabilities of this business.
Created date 16/03/2022
What are Marketing Objectives? Categorize Marketing Objectives. Good examples of Marketing goals
Created date 16/03/2022
The steps to follow in the market research process (Marketing research) in the form of a diagram. Detailed analysis of each implementation step.
Created date 16/03/2022
What is supply chain management (management)? What are the task in supply chain management?