Basic Marketing

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What is a service? A quick introduction to Service Marketing

Services marketing is a big topic and there are so many different topics to cover. In this blog post, I will introduce you to the basics of services marketing and give you an overview of what we'll be...

What is a market niche? How to identify a market niche? Strategies for a market nicher

In a competitive market, not all of companies aim at competing each other to gain the highest total market share. There are companies looking for the sweet spot to carve out a niche. This blog post wi...

What is a market challenger? Strategies to challenge a market

Competition is the nature in modern markets. Once a company enter a new market, there will be many ones who follow. Once a company become the market leader, there would be others as the market challen...

What is a market leader? Strategies for a market leader

Market leaders are brands which have successfully established themselves in the market through their marketing strategies, such as creating compelling messages and building strong connections with con...

What is Point of Purchase (POP)? Major types of Point of Purchase

The goal of marketing is to make a product or service more desirable. One way marketers do this is by tailoring their message for each customer group, which can be done through point of purchase (POP)...

What is telemarketing? How to build an inbound telemarketing strategy

Telemarketing is a reality that has been around for over 30 years. It can be a valuable tool in your business, but it takes strategy to use this form of marketing effectively. However, it can be tough...

Who are Agents and Brokers in Marketing? Roles & Marjor types

Agents and brokers are often confused with each other, but they play very different roles in the marketing world. Many professionals agree that agents and brokers are the most valuable resource. In th...

What is co-branding? Steps to carry out a co-branding campaign

Co-branding is a new strategy that can be used to increase your online presence and generate more leads. This blog post will explore how to use this technique and what steps need to be taken before em...

What is PR (Public Relations)? Differences between PR vs Advertising | Major Public Relations Tools

What is PR (Public Relations)? Is it Advertising? Is it bad as what we usually think about? In this article, we'll learn about the right definition, history and major public relations tools.

What is Advertising? How to carry out an advertising campaign

What is Advertising? Is Advertising different from or same as PR, Marketing? How to build an Advertising campaign? We will explore these issues together in the content of this article.