Basic Marketing

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What is Network marketing? Origin & Types, Features

Many people are skeptical, while others love the idea of earning money doing what they love. But do you know what Network marketing is? This article will explore the origins and types, features of net...

What is Neuromarketing? Advantages & Disadvantages

Artificial Intelligence and Neuromarketing are everywhere, now. This article reviews the advantages and disadvantages of neuromarketing in comparison to traditional marketing.

What is niche Marketing? Advantages & Disadvantages of niche marketing

If you're among those companies looking for ideas on how to increase your sales, this article can help! Learn about niche marketing and find out how you can create business even when the market you're...

What is Offline Marketing? Advantages & disadvantages of Offline Marketing

There are a lot of advantages to offline marketing, but some of the most important ones have to do with it's hands-on approach. In this article, we are going to find out what offline marketing is and...

What is Relationship Marketing? Types, Strategies & Examples

Relationship Marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on building relationships with your customers instead of trying to sell them something. Relationship Marketing has been around for many year...

What is Reverse Marketing? Examples of Reverse Marketing

Reverse marketing is a new and innovative form of marketing that aims to promote a company's product or service by leveraging the efforts of their competitors. Find out what Reverse Marketing is, why...

Advantages & Disadvantages of Societal Marketing Concept - Implementation

Societal Marketing Concept is a concept of marketing which aims to influence people's decision by making them aware. This concept has many advantages and disadvantages that you may find in this articl...

What is Societal Marketing Concept? Components of Societal Marketing Concept

Marketing is constantly changing and evolving. One of the newest ideas that has come up in recent years is Societal Marketing Concept. In this article, we will be discussing a concept called "societal...

Advantages & disadvantages of Sponsorship Marketing

Sponsorship Marketing is a marketing strategy that involves the payment of any form of compensation in return for some type of rights to the sponsor's product. This article will cover both the advanta...

What is Sponsorship Marketing? Major types of Sponsorship Marketing

Sponsorship is a marketing strategy that involves the company sponsoring the activities of an organization or event in order to increase their brand awareness. This article is about what Sponsorship M...