Margot Robbie Defies Oppenheimer Producer, Refuses to Delay Barbie

Margot Robbie Defies Oppenheimer Producer, Refuses to Delay Barbie

Margot Robbie stands her ground, rejects Oppenheimer producer's request to postpone Barbie release, highlighting her unwavering commitment to the iconic doll's premiere

Margot Robbie recently told Cillian Murphy that a producer for Oppenheimer requested her to change the release date for Barbie. The summer was unquestionably defined by two of the most highly anticipated movies of the year: Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig, and Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan.

Despite their divergent subject matter, both films ended up being released on the same day, July 21. Margot Robbie, who plays Barbie, disclosed to Cillian Murphy of Oppenheimer that a prominent producer from his film attempted to persuade her to change Barbie's release date, but she declined.

Robbie refused to move Barbie’s premiere for Oppenheimer

The two celebrities recently came together as part of Variety’s well-known series Actors on Actors, where some of the most prominent figures in Hollywood gather to discuss their recent projects and the entertainment industry as a whole.

During their conversation, Murphy mentioned that Nolan had always hoped for Oppenheimer to be released in late July, similar to the majority of his previous movies. In response, Robbie remembered a time when an Oppenheimer producer, Chuck Roven, contacted her to request a change in the premiere date for Barbie. "One of your producers, Chuck Roven, called me, because we worked together on some other projects. And he was like, ‘I think you guys should move your date,'" Robbie recalled.

“And I firmly stated, ‘We’re not moving our date. If you’re scared to be up against us, then you move your date.’ And he insisted, ‘We’re not moving our date. I just think it’d be better for you to move.’ And I stood my ground, saying, ‘We’re not moving!'”

Robbie continued, “I believe this pairing is truly remarkable. It's the perfect combination of Oppenheimer and Barbie."

Murphy praised her for the decision to make the film and called it "a brilliant instinct," which was an understatement considering Barbenheimer became a cultural phenomenon.

“Everyone seemed to agree,” Robbie remembered. “Thank goodness. The idea that everyone was saying, ‘Oh, watch Oppenheimer before Barbie.’ I thought, ‘See? People enjoy everything.’ People are strange.”

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Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I admire Margot Robbie's unwavering commitment to her projects and her confidence in the success of Barbie. Her refusal to delay the film's release despite pressure from Oppenheimer's producer demonstrates her dedication to her craft and her belief in the film's potential. I appreciate her confidence in the film and her willingness to stand her ground, as it shows her strength and determination as an actress and producer.

Robbie's comments about the potential pairing of Oppenheimer and Barbie being a "brilliant instinct" also highlight her understanding of the cultural zeitgeist and her ability to recognize the potential for both films to succeed despite their contrasting themes. This demonstrates her intelligence and her ability to think strategically about the release of her projects. Overall, I believe Margot Robbie's handling of this situation showcases her professionalism, confidence, and understanding of the industry, and I am excited to see the success of both Barbie and Oppenheimer when they release.