Major Deaths in Dune 2 Explained

Major Deaths in Dune 2 Explained

Follow Paul as he guides the Fremen on their quest to reclaim Arrakis, encountering significant losses along the way.

In Dune, House Atreides faced a massacre, but in Part Two, more deaths occur as Paul embraces his role as a Fremen and their prophesied savior. Seeking vengeance against the Harkonnens, Paul's journey leads to even more bloodshed.

The Emperor, aided by the Harkonnens, orchestrated the destruction of Paul's people in a calculated extermination. While Dune had its share of tragic losses like Duke Leto Atreides and Duncan Idaho, Dune 2 intensifies the stakes as Paul embraces his destiny as the Lisan Al’Gaib, with certain deaths unfolding as foretold in the original books.

The battle on Arrakis is intensifying as the Fremen push back against their oppressors and look to Paul as their new leader. The long-standing feud between the Atreides and Harkonnens plays a central role in the narrative, as various factions vie for power within the Empire.

Now, let's dive into the major deaths that occur in Dune 2. But be warned, spoilers lie ahead!

Chani’s friend Shishakli

Paul got to know one of Chani’s close friends while adapting to the Fremen lifestyle in the desert. Unlike Stilgar, Chani and her friends do not put much faith in the prophecy, viewing it as a tool used to manipulate them. Through his actions, Paul earns the trust and respect of the Fremen community, including Chani’s friend Shishakli.

Paul starts to step up as their unexpected leader as he embraces his role as the Lisan Al’Gaib. The tragic death of Chani’s friend happens when Feyd-Rautha takes control of Arrakis. Following an attack on a major Fremen sietch, Paul and his companions are left with no option but to head south.

Feyd-Rautha personally leads his troops to Arrakis in order to eliminate any remaining Fremen. He comes across Shishakli, who decides to stay behind and assist in fighting against the Harkonnens. Despite her refusal to speak and only offering a smirk, Feyd-Rautha cruelly ends her life by setting her on fire using a flame torch.


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Baron Harkonnen

Baron Harkonnen in Dune 2 in a bath.

Baron Harkonnen in Dune 2 in a bath.

Warner Bros.

After a long wait, Paul finally gets his revenge by killing Baron Harkonnen. By drinking the Water of Life and fulfilling the prophecy, Paul sets out to avenge House Atreides and take down the Harkonnens. With the assistance of Gurney and locating the Atreides' heavy artillery vault, they kickstart their plan.

Rumors of the Lisan Al’Gaib have sparked fear of a potential Fremen uprising among the people. In response, Paul decides to send a message to the Emperor, seeking to address the escalating situation. Accompanied by his daughter, the Bene Gesserit, and the Harkonnens, they all journey to Arrakis for a crucial meeting with the so-called mahdi.

During the meeting, the Emperor expresses his disappointment in the Baron Harkonnen for his failure to handle the matter effectively and for doubting the existence of the Lisan Al’Gaib. In a drastic turn of events, the Emperor's soldier takes action by cutting the Baron's mechanical supports, jeopardizing his life. Seizing the opportunity, Paul leads an assault on their fortress and ships alongside the Fremen.

In a bold move, Paul enters their meeting room without disclosing his true identity. As the Emperor and others look on, he heads straight for the weakened Baron Harkonnen, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation.

Rabban Harkonnen

Paul, using his knife, addresses the Baron as "grandfather" and then stabs him in the neck. He discovered from the Water of Life that his mother is the Baron's illegitimate daughter, which means he is now a Harkonnen.

Rabban Harkonnen in Dune 2 fight.

Rabban Harkonnen in Dune 2 fight.

Warner Bros.

Rabban Harkonnen’s story in Dune 2 has a slight change. The Baron and his brother Feyd-Rautha now view him as a failure. As a result, the Baron removes Rabban's control of Arrakis after he fails to restart Spice production. During an attack by Paul and the Fremen, Rabban attempts to escape.

However, Gurney intercepts him. This confrontation has been a long time coming, as Rabban was responsible for the death of Duke Leto Atreides and Gurney's close friends. Gurney engages Rabban in a fierce battle, ultimately driving his knife into the Harkonnen's chest. He makes it clear to Rabban that this act is in retaliation for the loss of his Duke.

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen

Paul and Feyd-Rautha in Dune 2 duel.

Paul and Feyd-Rautha in Dune 2 duel.

Warner Bros.

Fans of the book would have expected the death of psychopath Feyd-Rautha. He is the cruel nephew of the Baron, known for his love of violence and cruel behavior. His demise occurs after his uncle's and his brother's deaths in Dune 2.

He is not the only one set to inherit the Harkonnen throne and had been promised to rule the Empire alongside Princess Irulan. When Paul gathers them as hostages, he offers the Emperor a fighter in his place. Feyd-Rautha steps forward as a tribute.

The battle between them was fierce, with Feyd-Rautha gaining the advantage several times. At one point, he even managed to stab his knife into Paul's side. Feyd-Rautha seemed poised to end the battle by thrusting his blade into Paul. However, Paul was able to stop the attack and deliver the final blow by plunging his own knife into Feyd-Rautha's midsection, ultimately killing him. With this act, Paul had eliminated the last of the Harkonnen heirs, including his own cousin.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a detailed account of the major deaths that occur in Dune 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed film Dune. The deaths of Chani's friend Shishakli, Baron Harkonnen, Rabban Harkonnen, and Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen are each significant and pivotal moments in the narrative.

The article effectively captures the emotional weight and impact of these deaths, highlighting the escalating stakes and the intensification of the conflict between the Atreides and Harkonnens. The deaths serve as powerful reminders of the consequences of war and the sacrifices made by those who fight for justice and their beliefs. The article's clear and concise writing style makes it an engaging read for fans of the Dune franchise and those interested in exploring the themes of destiny, prophecy, and the human cost of conflict.