Magical Surprises Await: Hogwarts Legacy Drops Latest Update in June 2023

Hogwarts Legacy fans rejoice! Avalanche Software rolls out a game-changing update for June 2023, addressing performance and gameplay concerns Experience the magic of Hogwarts like never before with this highly anticipated release
The developers of Hogwarts Legacy have released a significant patch to address some of the game's key issues despite a majority of players having finished their first playthrough. Despite launching in a competitive year, the game has been a sales success, establishing itself as a worthy contender for Game of the Year by offering an immersive experience in the Wizarding World and electrifying combat. However, the game initially suffered from performance issues, and even though Avalanche Software quickly resolved the major problems, the delay of the Switch port demonstrates the challenges of optimizing such an ambitious title. The studio has prioritized ensuring a smooth launch on all platforms over work on DLCs, and the June patch should effectively wrap up their efforts for the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.
The official Twitter account for Hogwarts Legacy recently announced the release of a new patch, which is now available for download on all platforms. The patch primarily focuses on stability improvements and gameplay fixes, with a particular emphasis on addressing issues that have persisted through previous updates. Notably, the patch addresses a continuity error in certain cutscenes where NPCs and player characters were seen using generic wands. Additionally, the patch also fixes quest tracking in the game and prevents players from exploiting a glitch that allowed them to double their rewards by reloading a save in front of a collection chest. While this may be disappointing news for some players, it encourages them to earn collectibles through traditional means. With the vast playable area and helpful world map, completing the Field Guide in Hogwarts Legacy shouldn't be a challenge for players.
The release of a cosmetic DLC for Hogwarts Legacy by Avalanche in May was met with anticipation from the community. With the upcoming launch of the Switch version in November, fans are hoping for a more substantial content update that could potentially include an expansion of the game's companion system, the introduction of a new location like Wizarding World's London, or even the addition of Quidditch. Should Avalanche decide to pursue new content or a sequel, the team's capabilities suggest they could create the ultimate Harry Potter gaming experience.
June 2nd, 2023 Patch - PS4 and XB1
Posted on 06/02/23
Build Version - 1145908
Developer Note - This patch addresses overall gameplay experience and stability improvements.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue where manually saving during mission HL-12659 could permanently lock the player out of conversation with Natsai
- Fixed issue where reloading a manual save during a mission allowed the player to unlock the talent menu
- Resolved problem with Percival Rackham's Trial being unable to be completed, causing a progression blocker
- Optimized game to reduce multiple auto-save requests
- Fixed visual issue with the vault door appearing open from far away
- Fixed issue where the avatar would fall from the balcony when using the prompt to open a door from a distance.
Improved the behavior of avatar and companion NPC's in cinematics by ensuring that they use their unique wands instead of a generic one. Fixed the issue where Fig would flicker away at the end of the first cinematic. Also, resolved the problem of characters using generic NPC wands instead of their own unique ones. Additionally, fixed the bug where student NPCs would be seen standing in mid-air in the courtyard after completing the tour with Everett Clopton.
The issue of the avatar's robe moving unnaturally while drinking a potion has been resolved. This problem only occurred when a manual save was made on another character's slot and then a new avatar was created immediately after. Additionally, the missing apparate VFX of Professor Hecat during a scripted event has also been resolved.
Resolved the issue where "Known" Collection items were not properly counted towards achievements. Additionally, Gregory and Goblet of Fire field guide pages now show as complete after the latest patch (HL-12917). The UI has been updated to resolve localization overlapping issues related to location names. Quest tracking icons no longer remain on the map or minimap after the quest is completed, and untracking missions in-game now properly update their icons and/or disappear. The issue where opening the map had a chance of softlocking the game has also been resolved. Finally, the intro outfit and robe are no longer available in gear appearances by default (HL-4880), and users no longer get stuck on the "Field Guide" screen if they spam the [MENU] button while transitioning to the "Map" screen.
Fragment 11 - Resolved crash related to foliage
A fix has been implemented for a crash that was occurring due to foliage in the game. Players will no longer experience this issue and can continue playing without interruption.
Game credits have been updated and an extra collision issue on the spiral staircase pillar leading to the map chamber has been resolved. Additionally, visible banding with weather decals and the issue of several metal assets looking completely black in the last room of the Percival Dungeon have been resolved. Please note that patch deployment times may vary per platform.
Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, with a Nintendo Switch port dropping on November 14.