Madina Alam's Post-'Women Tell All' Frustration: Feeling Used as a Prop

Madina Alam's Post-'Women Tell All' Frustration: Feeling Used as a Prop

Discover Madina Alam's lingering frustration following the 'Women Tell All' reunion on 'The Bachelor' season 28. Learn how she felt like she was merely a prop during the emotional gathering with her fellow contestants.

Madina Alam, who is 31 years old, expressed that she is still feeling "super confused" about what happened during the Women Tell All episode of Joey Graziadei's Bachelor season. Despite other contestants finding closure, Madina admitted she is still struggling to understand.

After watching the Women Tell All taping, Madina shared her frustration with We, stating that she feels like she was merely used as a prop. She expressed her continued frustration with the situation.

Earlier in the season, Madina expressed that as the oldest woman in the mansion, she felt pressure to find The One. During an interview with Us and another reporter, she shared that she isn't very close with her family and deeply desires to have her own family, a detail not shown to viewers. Madina also mentioned that her father, who is from Bangladesh, still jokes about arranging a marriage for her.

This comment led to a series of confusing feuds on the show. Initially, there was tension between Madina and Maria Georgas, with Madina feeling that her feelings were being dismissed. Sydney Gordon and Lea Cayanan stepped in to defend Madina, even though she didn't ask them to. This resulted in a back-and-forth between Maria, Sydney, and Lea.

Bachelors Madina Alam Is Still Frustrated After Women Tell All

Bachelors Madina Alam Is Still Frustrated After Women Tell All

Madina Alam Disney/Richard Middlesworth

Madina expressed her frustration about how her feelings were taken and discussed without her consent. She emphasized that she has the right to feel however she wants, even if others disagree. She felt overwhelmed when two people she had known for only five days pressured her to act in certain ways after she opened up about feeling pressured. Despite this, no one took the time to genuinely understand why she felt this way, which added to her frustration.

The drama left fans (and Madina) trying to piece together how things escalated.

Bachelors Madina Alam Is Still Frustrated After Women Tell All

Bachelors Madina Alam Is Still Frustrated After Women Tell All

Madina Alam Disney/John Fleenor

Madina found the situation confusing because she felt like she couldn't disengage until Maria and Sydney stopped, even though she couldn't control their actions. Hearing her name being mentioned by everyone was strange for her, as she had no influence over the situation.

She suggests that her reluctance to confront others may have allowed Sydney and Lea to take over. Madina admits that she prefers to avoid arguments and doesn't feel the need to prove herself. Her ego is not a driving force, and she is comfortable with the idea that everyone is different and that's perfectly fine.

Madina expressed feeling "relieved" after the reunion ended. She mentioned that she was able to speak her mind and express her thoughts freely. During filming, she focused on maintaining composure while still being honest and processing everything happening in the moment. Finally being able to communicate her thoughts in a respectful manner brought her a sense of relief.

Joey’s journey with his final two contestants, Kelsey Anderson and Daisy Kent, concludes on ABC Monday, March 25, at 8 p.m. ET.

Editor's P/S:

Madina Alam's experience on "The Bachelor" highlights the complexities of reality television and the impact it can have on participants. Despite finding closure on the "Women Tell All" episode, Madina continues to grapple with her feelings of confusion and frustration. She feels she was used as a "prop" and that her emotions were dismissed without genuine understanding. Madina's reluctance to confront others may have allowed the situation to escalate, but she ultimately found relief in expressing her thoughts and regaining control of her narrative.

The article also sheds light on the challenges faced by contestants who are older and from diverse backgrounds. Madina's desire for a family and her father's cultural perspective on arranged marriage added another layer to the drama. The show's focus on youth and conformity may have contributed to the misunderstandings and conflicts that arose. Madina's journey serves as a reminder that reality television is not always a fair or accurate representation of individuals and their experiences.