Loki: Season 2 Finale Recap

Loki: Season 2 Finale Recap

Loki's thrilling Season 2 finale on Disney Plus delivers groundbreaking consequences that redefine his path and persona, leaving an indelible impact on the entire MCU

This review contains spoilers for Season 2 Episode 6 of Loki.

Article Key Points

The season 2 finale of Loki satisfactorily concludes the thrilling journey with a well-structured storyline, resolving all plot threads and leaving fans completely satisfied.

In this culmination, Loki's actions hold great significance for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as he undergoes a transformative process, shedding his notorious persona as the mischievous God.

The Season 2 finale of Loki concludes with a stunning display of Loki's time-bending abilities, leaving viewers pondering whether he surpasses the power of other MCU heroes. Additionally, it introduces Loki as the deity responsible for weaving captivating stories. Following a tense episode in the previous week, this finale serves as a satisfying conclusion to the thrilling roller coaster ride that defined the entire season. As fans questioned the direction of this season's narrative, the pieces gradually fell into place, culminating in a finale that neatly tied up all loose ends. However, is this truly the end, or does it mark the beginning of an entirely new chapter?

When Season 2 of Loki commenced, the primary focus revolved around rescuing the temporal loom at the Time Variance Authority in order to safeguard the branched timelines. However, as the episodes unfolded, the prospects of saving the TVA gradually diminished. It became apparent that Loki would need to take a drastic measure to preserve all timelines and his allies. In the finale, he successfully accomplishes this task. Not only will his actions have significant consequences for the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the studio has finally abandoned his portrayal as the mischievous God after a span of 12 years.

From its inception, the season finale of Loki captivates with suspense. Given its time-related theme and the concept of reversing time, it is fitting that the initial reveal of the Marvel Studio logo plays in reverse. The almost hour-long episode is jam-packed with events, as Loki endures centuries and acquires comprehensive knowledge about the temporal loom. This rapid-paced episode strategically slows down at pivotal moments to highlight Loki's powers, abilities, and intelligence. It is truly captivating to witness his mastery of time manipulation, even demonstrating control over time at one point. Does this make him more formidable than certain other MCU heroes?

Loki: Season 2 Finale Recap

In the first half of the episode, Loki repeatedly goes back in time, desperately attempting to save the loom. During a crucial moment in Episode 4, where Victor Timely is on the brink of stepping into the radiation, Loki tries various tactics, repeatedly uttering the word "Again." Viewers may wonder why Loki doesn't choose to step out on his own, a question that arises each time this process is repeated. Eventually, Loki does make the decision to go it alone, but it takes him centuries to figure out the perfect approach.

While the repetition of this sequence is frustrating and stressful to watch, the episode slows down to provide clarity for both viewers and Loki regarding the larger narrative. Not only does he revisit the moment when the loom explodes, but Loki also traverses other junctures within his own timeline, ultimately reaching the climactic Season 1 finale where he and Sylvie confront He Who Remains. The situation apparently necessitates Loki taking Sylvie's life as the sole option for saving the timeline. However, as He Who Remains realizes Loki's ability to manipulate time, the mischievous deity is already one step ahead. With a smirk, he interrupts the flow of time and coolly asks, "What gives you the impression that this conversation is our first?" At that moment, it becomes evident that Loki is willing to go to any lengths to safeguard not only the multitude of branched timelines, but also those individuals whom he holds dear.

Loki: Season 2 Finale Recap

In this week's episode, Tom Hiddleston showcases a wide range of emotions. As he revisits the moment the loom exploded, there is a noticeable bounce in his step and his comedic timing is enjoyable to watch. However, when he comprehends that the loom cannot be saved, his distress is evident in his facial expressions. While conversing with He Who Remains, he reverts back to his unaffected self, but his sorrow becomes palpable once he understands the weight of his glorious purpose. Throughout this series, Loki's character development has been a standout, transforming the God of Mischief into a more relatable and humanized version of himself. But that's not all.

The Season 2 finale of Loki amplifies his character with a new persona, taking on the role of the God of Stories, which was originally introduced in the comics in 2015. Although the episode does not explicitly reference Loki's newfound title, his comic-accurate attire and the ability to manipulate timelines provide sufficient clarity. Marvel Studios has been adapting numerous stories from the pages to the screen through films and television series, but it appears that Loki has taken on a prominent role. With the power to manipulate the threads of multiversal stories, this series has become one of the MCU's most impactful projects.

Loki: Season 2 Finale Recap

The final two episodes of this season brilliantly focused on Loki and the life-changing decision he ultimately makes. The question of whether there will be a Season 3 for Loki or if the God of Stories will appear in other MCU projects remains unanswered. The writers cleverly brought the series full circle by having Loki return to a moment from Season 1, Episode 1, aptly titled "Glorious Purpose." During his conversation with Mobius, Loki gains a true understanding of his next steps. "You must keep the bigger picture in mind," Mobius advises, followed by the series' most iconic line thus far, "Most purposes are more burdensome than glorious."

When Season 1 of Loki was released, it garnered high praise from both viewers and critics alike. The series quickly gained a devoted fan base who eagerly anticipated a second season. Speculation ran rampant online about the studio's plans for Loki's future. While recent projects by the studio have faced criticism, Loki Season 2 represents a positive step forward. It appears that the MCU might be regaining its momentum. However, it remains unclear whether there will be room for the God of Stories in this new chapter or if his glorious sacrifice will be forgotten. One thing is certain, though – Loki will be remembered as one of the best series produced by the studio so far.

Loki is streaming on Disney Plus.

Loki: Season 2 Finale Recap


The Season 2 finale of Loki is the perfect ending to a roller coaster of a season and ties up all of the loose ends.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Loki, I was thrilled with the season 2 finale. It was a thrilling and satisfying conclusion to a great season. I was particularly impressed with the way the show handled Loki's character development. He started out as a selfish and mischievous god, but by the end of the season, he had become a true hero.

The finale also did a great job of setting up the future of the MCU. The introduction of Kang the Conqueror was a major moment, and I can't wait to see how he shakes up the status quo. Overall, I thought the Loki season 2 finale was a great episode that left me excited for the future of the MCU.