Loki Season 2 Episode 5's Exciting Post-Credits Scene Sets New MCU Record

Loki Season 2 Episode 5's Exciting Post-Credits Scene Sets New MCU Record

Loki Season 2 Episode 5's mind-blowing post-credits scene redefines the MCU, surpassing Avengers: Endgame's iconic moments Discover why this unexpected twist leaves fans in awe

Warning: This post contains SPOILERS for Loki season 2 episode 5

Article Overview

Loki season 2 episode 5 presents a nearly one-of-a-kind post-credits scene that playfully teases the audience and alludes to an obscure Marvel reference.

This marks the second instance within the Marvel Cinematic Universe where an audio-only post-credits scene has been employed instead of a typical stinger.

The post-credits scene in the fifth episode of Loki season 2 not only ridicules viewers but also connects to Loki's identity as a loser, highlighting his determination and resilience to persist.

Loki season 2 episode 5 introduces a rare occurrence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is unprecedented considering the 32 films and 9 TV series that have been produced. Breaking the norm, the flagship Disney+ show, led by Tom Hiddleston, unexpectedly includes a post-credits scene in the second episode of the season, taking a unique approach. In doing so, Loki manages to secure an extraordinary record within the entire Marvel timeline in a cunning and fitting manner that aligns perfectly with the character's mischievous persona.

Loki Season 2 Episode 5 Post-Credits Scene Explained

Delving into the enigmatic post-credits scene of Loki season 2 episode 5, an unexpected twist awaits those who remain until the very end. A mysterious, disembodied voice boldly hurls the epithet of "loser" towards these dedicated viewers, igniting intrigue and prompting a deeper exploration into its origins and its profound connection to the overarching significance of Loki's narrative.

Loki Season 2 Episode 5's Exciting Post-Credits Scene Sets New MCU Record

Following the conclusion of Loki season 2 episode 5, which showcased Loki's groundbreaking new superpower and his elaborate strategy to safeguard the Temporal Loom, the TVA, and the entirety of existence, a post-credits scene pays homage to a significant reference from the Marvel universe. Through an audio-only gag, a voice exclaims, "you died, insert a coin, LOSER!" While the phrase may seem inconsequential when taken out of context, its meaning becomes clear as Loki season 2 episode 5 had previously set up the joke.

After Loki successfully gathers OB, Casey, Mobius, and B-15 in his mission to reverse the devastation caused by the Temporal Loom, he attempts to enlist Sylvie's help. However, she declines his offer but instead takes him to a bar to delve into the true reasons behind his desire to preserve the TVA. The initial shot at the bar unveils a Zaniac! arcade game, clearly derived from the film in which Brad Wolfe (played by Rafael Casal) made his reappearance in episode 2. The audio sting that concludes the post-credits scene in Loki season 2 episode 5 features the familiar "Game Over" message from the same arcade machine.

Why Loki Season 2 Episode 5's Post-Credits Scene Works So Well

Loki Season 2 Episode 5's Exciting Post-Credits Scene Sets New MCU Record

Interestingly, Loki's post-credits scene breaks new ground by featuring a vocal track instead of a traditional stinger. However, it is not the first time the MCU has utilized an audio post-credits scene. That distinction belongs to Avengers: Endgame, which paid tribute to Robert Downey Jr's fallen hero by playing the sound of Iron Man forging the Mark 1 armor.

Contrasting the previous homage to a deceased MCU character, Loki's latest post-credits scene takes a humorous approach, tapping into the Game Over message culture in video games. It also plays with the notion of waiting until the end of the credits, playfully taunting the audience as "losers" for their commitment. However, the "loser" message carries a deeper significance: Loki himself acknowledges in episode 5 of season 2 that Lokis are destined to lose. The hidden message here is that despite facing death numerous times, Loki persists. He may embrace his status as a "loser," but a Game Over message simply represents another chance to try again.

New episodes of Loki stream every Thursday on Disney+

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about the exciting post-credits scene in Loki Season 2 Episode 5. On the one hand, I appreciate the show's willingness to experiment with different formats and storytelling techniques. The audio-only post-credits scene is a unique and unexpected way to leave viewers wanting more. On the other hand, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed that the scene doesn't offer any new information or plot development. It's a fun and clever gag, but it doesn't really add anything to the overall story.

I think the post-credits scene is a reflection of the current state of the MCU. The franchise has become so big and sprawling that it's difficult to keep track of all the different storylines and characters. As a result, the post-credits scenes have become more and more important as a way to tease future events and keep fans engaged. However, I think it's important to remember that the post-credits scenes are just that: teasers. They're not meant to be full-fledged stories in and of themselves. They're just a way to give fans a taste of what's to come.

Overall, I think the post-credits scene in Loki Season 2 Episode 5 is a fun and clever way to leave viewers wanting more. However, I hope that future post-credits scenes will offer more in terms of plot development and new information.