Kellan Lutz's Hercules Legacy: Breaking the Rotten Tomatoes Curse with Two Exceptional Films

Lutz's portrayal in Legend of Hercules pales in comparison to his standout performances in two remarkable movies.
Kellan Lutz's The Legend of Hercules received negative reviews from critics, adding to a string of disappointing movies for the actor. Despite this, Lutz rose to fame in Hollywood with his role in the 2006 film Stick It, leading to many more opportunities. He has been a part of numerous movies each year, with franchises like Twilight further establishing his presence in the industry. Unfortunately, leading up to The Legend of Hercules, Lutz faced a series of critical setbacks that continued with the release of the film in 2014.
A decade later, The Legend of Hercules has unexpectedly become a part of Netflix's Top 10 movies in the US, despite its initial failure with critics and at the box office. The 2014 film was criticized for its lackluster sets, unimpressive special effects, and departure from the traditional Hercules mythology. However, these flaws have ironically made The Legend of Hercules a popular guilty pleasure watch, likely contributing to its success on Netflix. Nonetheless, when examining Lutz's body of work, it is evident that this film was not his first nor his last to face negative reception.
Kellan Lutz's Rotten Tomatoes Streak Continues with The Legend of Hercules in 2014
By the time The Legend of Hercules was released in 2014, Kellan Lutz was in the midst of a disappointing Rotten Tomatoes streak. It all began with Stick It in 2006, which received a low 32% from critics despite a 73% audience score. This pattern continued over the years, even with the Twilight movies, which had a dedicated fan base but still fell short in critical reviews. When The Legend of Hercules received a meager 5% critic score, it became apparent that Lutz had yet to star in a movie that scored above 50%.
Kellan Lutz Has Only Starred In 2 Movies That Weren't "Rotten"
Kellan Lutz, known for his roles in various movies, has only been part of two films that have received a positive rating from Rotten Tomatoes critics.
After starring in The Legend of Hercules, Lutz faced more criticism with his next film, The Expendables 3. However, his luck changed with the 2015 movie Experimenter, which received an impressive 85% "Certified Fresh" score on Rotten Tomatoes, his highest to date. Unfortunately, this success was short-lived as his next film, Extraction, only scored a disappointing 6%.
Since then, Lutz has appeared in six more films, with only one, The Osiris Child in 2016, managing to avoid a "Rotten" rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite some of his movies being panned by critics, it's important to note that Lutz is a talented actor and not all his films are considered "bad." For instance, the Twilight movies and The Legend of Hercules were well-received by audiences, with the latter finding success on Netflix.
Ultimately, not every Hollywood project meets the standards of critics, and it seems that Lutz has a knack for choosing films that may not always align with their preferences.
Source: Rotten Tomatoes
Editor's P/S:
Despite facing an array of critical setbacks, Kellan Lutz's career has remained resilient, showcasing his adaptability and determination. While his Rotten Tomatoes scores may not always be stellar, Lutz's ability to connect with audiences through popular films like "Twilight" and "The Legend of Hercules" is undeniable. His success on Netflix further demonstrates the power of guilty pleasure viewing, highlighting the subjective nature of film criticism.
Lutz's experience exemplifies the challenges actors face in navigating the fickle landscape of Hollywood, where critical reception can fluctuate wildly. However, it also underscores the importance of embracing diverse perspectives and recognizing that the opinions of critics do not always reflect the sentiments of the wider public. Ultimately, Lutz's body of work serves as a testament to the enduring power of entertainment, proving that even films with flaws can find a loyal following.